Nose Has Gain Control

Sound engineers know how to use gain control to avoid “redlining” or saturating the signal while amplifying weak but important signals.  Your nose knows that trick, too. The sense of smell is complex because of the tremendous variety of odorant molecules that must be interpreted.  Molecules that trigger signals in the initial neurons trigger a […]

Eugenics in Space

To "keep evolution on a favorable track," spacefaring humans may want to cull bad genes, a futurist says.

Carol of the Birds

Can birds make you happy?  Some scientists think so, but why? There seems to be a connection between seeing birds in their natural habitat and a person’s sense of well-being, reported Science Daily. Whether that is true may be a function of the setting and species of bird (buzzards, ostriches probably not rating as high […]

Intelligence Is Not a Quotient

Can your intelligence be reduced to a number on a linear scale? That would be highly misleading, a research study concluded.

Eye Retina Is Analog-to-Digital Converter

Before you see, your retina has done multiple digital transformations on the incoming signal.

Secular Scientists Excuse Profanity

If everything evolves, then profanity evolves, and it's no big deal, even if it warms the atmosphere.

Are Scientists Capable of Stupidity?

Scientists are only people, and most people do or say dumb things sometimes. You can decide how to classify these "scientific" ideas.

Humans Got Big Brains By Exercise

Someone didn't think this one through.

Flaky Cosmic Notion Gets Good Press

Does the universe grow like a giant brain? If anyone but a scientist said that, it would be in the cartoons.

More Falsified Darwinian Expectations

Scientists continue finding the real world to be opposite evolutionary expectations. Here are some recent examples.

Gratitude Is Good for Health

For Thanksgiving Day in America, we should realize that gratitude is good for everyone – provided they know what it means.

C. S. Lewis's Views on Evolution, Scientism Clarified

A new book and video clarify the views of C. S. Lewis on science, scientism, and evolution.

Your Senses Awe Scientists

The ear, the eye, the nose, and the mind itself continue to display wondrous capabilities.

Find Is Like iPods in Ancient Rome

Discovering hafted spear points half a million years old is like finding iPods at a Roman archaeological site, a paleoanthropologist said.

When Good People Do Nothing

Thanks to low turnout by those who respect traditional values, America will reap dire consequences.
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