Science Journalism Disseminates Propaganda

The current methods of science news reporting don't educate; they indoctrinate.

Jesus Gets Reluctant Acceptance in Science

When it comes to scientific respectability, materialists have no prior claim.

Earliest Chinese Language Revealed

Scholars are making 3-D models of the earliest Chinese language inscriptions available for research.

Blindness Reversed with Adult Stem Cells

Success with rabbits and with children offers promising cures for blindness in humans, using ethical stem cells.

Theism Is Healthy

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain why belief in God makes people happy.

Secular Science's Meat Market: Abortion and Embryos

When it comes to killing the unborn, science journals and secular reporters are all for it.

Humans: More than Dust in the Cosmic Wind

Superb design in the human body counters the claim we are mere starstuff.

Biomimetics Inspires Education

Students and teachers are catching on to the potential of biological design to inspire good science.

Bird Brain Is a Compliment

Birds are as smart as apes, even though long separated in ancestral time according to Darwin.

 "Creator" Becomes Cussword

The reaction to a poorly-translated Chinese word sets off a firestorm of anti-creation protest among scientists.

Darwin's Evil Fruit Exposed

Two recent books expose bitter legacies of Darwin's idea that the fittest rule a world without God.

How to Do Biology Without Evolution

Everything in biology can make perfect sense without the darkness of Darwinism. Take a look.

Lightning-Fast Brain Explored

Transmissions in the brain are both complex and fast, scientists find.

Psychiatry Ascribes Empty Names to Clusters of Symptoms

Schizophrenia doesn't exist. People exist with various behaviors, but schizophrenia is an empty label, an expert says.

Neanderthal Concept Has Imploded

If Neanderthals interbred with modern humans as early as new findings suggest, the distinction becomes meaningless.
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