Dinosaurs More Original Dinosaur Protein Found November 10, 2016 This time Mary Schweitzer's team found keratin protein on a claw of an ostrich-sized dinosaur from Mongolia. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Abiogenesis: The Origin of Lie November 5, 2016 To get life from mindless molecules, fib a little. Ignore chance. Make it sound easy. Turn out the lights. Tell a story. Imagine. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution A Man, A Plan, A Cabal: Panama November 4, 2016 Evolutionists duke it out on the age of the Isthmus of Panama. Every solution breeds new problems. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Man's Days Are Numbered October 30, 2016 The heart beats earlier than expected, but seems to have a limit. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Geneticist Boasts of Her Just-So Story October 24, 2016 She should be ashamed, but she gloats in her story about "how the pangolin got its scales." CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Planning Your Next Revolutionary Invention October 22, 2016 To innovate something people will want, follow the leader: the Creator of living creatures. CONTINUE READING
Botany Smarty Plants October 21, 2016 How can organisms stuck in the soil do so many amazing tricks? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Mental Miracles You Don't Know About October 18, 2016 Your brain and eyes do things that scientists didn't discover till recently. CONTINUE READING
Health Adult Stem Cells Continue to Promote Healing October 15, 2016 Here's the latest on adult stem cells and how they are transforming regenerative medicine without harming embryos. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Taxpayers Fund Anti-Science Materialist Myths October 12, 2016 NASA and the NSF give tons of money to materialists to promote lies about chemistry and the origin of life. CONTINUE READING
Media Evolution: A Theory in Constant Revision October 10, 2016 Darwinian evolution survives by constant patching of weaknesses in its web of belief. CONTINUE READING
Media Darwin Demo Falls Short September 12, 2016 What the new "evolution in action" experiment lacks in Darwin support is compensated by its propaganda value. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Fish Lacks Tetrapod Legs September 9, 2016 You can see a transition between a fish and a land creature in fossils and genes only if you have a vivid imagination. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain How the Brain Serves the Mind August 31, 2016 More sophisticated than any computer, the brain runs many background tasks to aid and assist our conscious choices. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Evolves to Elude Falsification August 29, 2016 The flexibility of Darwinian stories can be seen in two recent escape mechanisms. CONTINUE READING