Musical Response in Animals Proves Evolution

Breaking Discovery: Chimps Swaying to Music Proves Evolution! — But Birds Sway to Music so Did We Evolve From Them?

Fossils: Where’s the Evolution?

Animals larger than today's, appearing earlier than thought – how does that help Darwin's narrative?

Darwin Day Is Fizzling

Certain advocacy sites are busy, but Darwin Day seems to be falling off the radar of major news outlets and journals.

Bad News for Plant Origins

To find an ancestor for plant photosynthesis in red algae, evolutionists have to imagine a series of spectacularly improbable events.

Punching Darwin’s Lights Out

Story about human sexual dimorphism backfires on Darwin, ricochets onto transgenders.

Cancer Is Devolution

A major consortium examined 2,658 cancer genomes and found evolution going downward, not upward.

Seeds from Time of Christ Sprout, Grow Trees in Israel

Trees of a now-extinct date palm celebrated for its fruit have sprouted from 2,000-year-old seeds recovered from Israel.

Natural Selection Is Neither Natural nor Selection

Evolutionists keep failing to grasp the inherent illogic of their favorite explanation for everything.

Anti-Christian Bias in Academia Is Real

A Peer-Reviewed Study Proved What We Have Always Known: Creationists are Subject to Major Discrimination in Academia.

Totalitarians on the Loose in Science

One must stop totalitarians before they gain power, or they will never relinquish it.

Tomfoolery in OOL

Origin-of-life scientists know chemistry, but not logic.

Oldest Scorpion Stings Darwin

Storytellers caught in the act: making up an evolutionary tale when the fossil evidence does not support it.

Leftists Use Science as Camouflage

Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda.

Evolving Everything Except Sense

When they have a magic wand, evolutionists see everything as a rabbit and every environment as a hat.

Questioning Another Dino-Bird

Another Chinese fossil bird with a few dinosaur-like characteristics raises question about the evolutionary narrative.
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