Redefining Evolution to Make it More Palatable

Evolutionists use a bait-and-switch definition to gain acceptance of Darwinism, but their goal is the elimination of design.

How to Refute the ‘God Spot’ Hypothesis

Is religious faith due to brain wiring? If so, then so is materialism.

On the Origin of Lechery by Natural Selection

Women, are you listening? Darwinists justify unleashing unrestricted male passions on you with no responsibility.

Exchanging One Myth for Another

Scientists gleefully chuckle at one ethnic myth only to replace it with a more incredible one.

Scientists Are Only Fallible Humans

Recent news articles remind us to qualify our trust in scientists according to the human potential for error and bias.

Spectacularly-Preserved Fossil Shrimp Look Modern

The history of shrimp, like so many other animals, shows no evolution over millions of alleged "Darwin Years."

Dinosaur Evolution: Darwinian Tricks to Force Data into Theory

A new paper about a theropod dinosaur fossil illustrates the methods Darwinians use to force uncooperative data into their belief.

Brainwashing Kids with Space Aliens

Evolutionists are prepping children for a global deception.

Have Snakes Lost Their Legs?

Did scientists find a snake losing its legs, or did they find a new kind of animal?

Design Language Works in Biology

There are many ways to explain design in nature without having to get religious about it.

“Evolutionary” – A Useless Adjective

Take the word "evolutionary" out of most science articles. It serves no purpose but to twist data and mislead readers.

Convergent Evolution: A Better Explanation

Can an event acknowledged as improbable occur many times?

Junk Darwinism Clutters Science

If an objective English teacher read a typical science paper, she would cross out the Darwinese as deadwood that adds nothing.

Beetle Diversity Without Evolution

To believe the Darwinian account of beetle diversification, you have to be willing to accept miracles.

SETI Craziness Continues

They have no evidence but need to look busy, so SETI enthusiasts come up with crazier stories to keep public hopes up.
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