Swimming Lambeosaurs and Other Dino Headlines

Evolutionists continue hiding their solutions to puzzles in Deep Time.

Winged Darwin: Pterosaur Diversity, But No Ancestor

A lizard could not just take off like a bird. Flight specs are required!

Archive: Eyes, Ears, Clocks, and Cold Dinosaurs

These entries from February 2022 are still worth reading. Enjoy!

Darwinian Storytelling Dumbs Down Media

How silly does an evolutionary story have to get before reporters revolt?

Bird Tracks Found in Early Dinosaur Strata

Either a dinosaur walked on bird feet, or evolutionists are way off on their story of bird origins.

Darwinism Is Useless in Fossil Discoveries

Like a rabbit's foot, evolutionary paleontologists hope Darwinism will bring them good luck.

Chicxulub: A Consensus With Big Questions

An asteroid that killed the dinosaurs but not the butterflies deserves skepticism.

Three More Fossils Appear Earlier Than Thought

They appear earlier than thought, but show no sign of evolutionary transition.

Ancient DNA Speaks

Evolutionists are still not facing the challenge of ancient DNA to Deep Time.

Fossils Too Perfect for Deep Time

Evolutionists never question the vast ages for fossils that are exquisitely preserved.

Cool Dinosaur Tricks

Here's how to trick people into thinking dinosaurs evolved: use Science Fudge.

Questions Materialists Fail to Ask

Evolutionary biologists and non-theistic scientists ask the wrong questions and avoid some obvious ones.

Another Fully-Formed Pterosaur Reported

Like all the others, this Aussie pterosaur was already fully equipped for powered flight.

Earth Life Is a Shadow of Its Former Greatness

Evolutionary progress? No. Look at the fossil record to witness higher "fitness" than today.

Rethink Science

If scientists knew as much as they think they do, they wouldn't be rethinking so many things so often.
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