A 300 Million-Year-Old Fully Modern Beetle Causes Astonishment

The problem Darwinists have is, what is a modern beetle doing in the same geological strata with ancient extinct beetles?

Manipulating Fossils to Fit Evolution

No matter how unusual a fossil appears, evolutionists will find a way to fit it into their favorite Darwin narrative, or else will ignore the non-Darwinian implications.

Original Dinosaur Egg Pigments Found

Add this to your dinosaur soft tissue collection: eggshell pigment proteins that allowed scientists to tell the eggs were blue.

Everything Scientists Assumed About Human Evolution Needs a Major Rethink

In short, the paleoanthropology field is a confusing mess.

AAAS Tries to Downplay Dinosaur Soft Tissue

The biggest bombshell of the century in paleontology threatens evolutionary time. It's not surprising that the AAAS would want to put out the fire.

Convergence Crams Uncooperative Fossils into Darwinism

When unrelated fossils have similar traits, evolutionary paleontologists twist, shove and stuff them into Darwin's theory with an all-purpose tool called convergence.

Evolutionists Tripping Over Human Tracks on Crete

These can't be hominid tracks. They are far too early! Well, then, who made them?

Evolution Is Not Truth-Based Inquiry

When your view has been falsified by evidence but you prohibit other views, you are not engaged in truth-based inquiry.

Paleoanthropology: The Science of Being Always Wrong

Fossil hunters looking for human evolution have been wrong so many times, the rubble of bombed theories is bouncing. Listen to their own admissions. Jen Viegas in Seeker, in an article reposted by Live Science, describes three clever ways that Neanderthal Man invented adhesives 200,000 Darwin Years ago. More interesting than the techniques, though, are […]

Spiky Dinosaur May Have Been a Softy

Soft-tissue remains on an armored dinosaur may indicate a role other than warfare. Incidentally, how old are those red crusts, really?

Stop the Silly Darwin Stories

What happens when consensus enforces conformity, and doubters are excluded? In the case of Darwinism, you get utter nonsense. This must end.

Paleontologist Spills Beans on Evolutionary Emptiness

A noted evolutionary paleontologist reviews a new book on evolutionary mechanisms favorably, but gives Darwin skeptics ammo in the process.

Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations

Here are some notable fossil finds that tell stories, not necessarily the Darwin kind.

More Plants That Didn’t Evolve

We continue with looks at how plants supposedly evolved, drawing from latest news from the leading journals and science media outlets.

The Plants That Didn’t Evolve

Here's a look at recent botanical news stories that should offer plenty of opportunities for evolutionists to show how plants evolved.
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