Cosmology More Excuses for Missing Dark Matter May 30, 2019 How long can a theory survive repeated falsifications? Very long, when ideology (and funding) is at stake. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Gold from Starstuff, or a Fool’s Gold Scenario? May 8, 2019 If you tweak your scenario hard enough, it will give you anything you want. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology What the Most Eminent Cosmologist Believed May 7, 2019 Could the most eminent and honored physicist of our lifetime actually believe such a thing as this? CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Superlative New Hubble Deep Field Shouts Awe May 6, 2019 How many galaxies can you fit in a piece of sky the diameter of the full moon? Keep reading. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology The Dark Side of Dark Matter Hunts April 4, 2019 Dark matter is still a no-show. What will it take for cosmologists to give up on a fruitless quest? CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Still No Explanation for Matter/Antimatter Imbalance March 28, 2019 An astrophysicist explains that the predominance of matter in our universe is just weird, and has no explanation. CONTINUE READING
Physics How Well Do Astrophysicists Understand the Origin of Heavy Elements? March 15, 2019 Elements heavier than iron form in supernova explosions. End of story. We can all rest now. But wait... CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Dark Matter May Not Exist March 11, 2019 Astrophysicists may be tiring of searching for things they know nothing about. The consequences could be revolutionary. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Design Advocates Are Decades Ahead of Darwinists February 4, 2019 Materialists are just waking up to realities that ID advocates have been writing about for decades. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Astronomers Lie About Dark Matter January 17, 2019 It's as indefensible as believers in ghosts lying about observational evidence for them. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Why Question an Old Earth? December 31, 2018 An apologetics website has listed 21 reasons for believing the earth is much younger than secular scientists claim. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Cosmologists Cling to Ghosts December 11, 2018 Dark matter has never been found, but their pet theory needs it. What will secular cosmologists do next? CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Big Bang Cosmology Needs Miracles October 26, 2018 A leading cosmologist's account of the current big bang theory makes no sense unless the hearer is already committed to believing it. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy New Illustra DVD Released: “Call of the Cosmos” October 20, 2018 Illustra's newest DVD showcases Psalm 19 in multiple ways. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Creation Research Advances August 16, 2018 Look at how much detailed scientific work was presented at the recent International Conference on Creationism. CONTINUE READING