Botany New Illustra Film: The Seed that Drills Itself into the Ground June 14, 2020 Some of the most extraordinary events in nature take place in small, common plants under our feet. CONTINUE READING
Media Watch Illustra Classics Free March 24, 2020 Are you quarantined at home? Illustra Media has opened its treasure chest and is streaming its classic films for free. CONTINUE READING
Media Watch: Illustra Introduces 2-Minute Wonders December 8, 2019 Branching off from hour-long documentaries, Illustra Media started releasing quick, shareable video jewels. CONTINUE READING
Media Illustra Media Celebrates Animal Diversity May 23, 2019 A new short film from Illustra Media is sure to delight children – and adults, too. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Racism of Darwin and His Followers Exposed October 15, 2018 A new documentary from the Discovery Institute exposes what evolutionists are trying to cover up: "scientific racism" by Darwinians. CONTINUE READING