October 15, 2018 | David F. Coppedge

Racism of Darwin and His Followers Exposed

A new documentary from the Discovery Institute exposes what evolutionists are trying to cover up: “scientific racism” by Darwinians.

The documentary “Human Zoos,” written and directed by Dr John West of the Discovery Institute, is now available on Amazon Prime for viewing. See the trailer here.

In his new book Evolution’s Blunders Frauds and Forgeries, Jerry Bergman debunks the fraudulent belief that facial angle was an indicator of intelligence.

The film speaks for itself, but perhaps the most important message is how practically the entire scientific establishment, including leading anthropologists from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, the University of Ohio, the Smithsonian were behind “scientific racism.” They  supported not only eugenics, but also rationalized the public display of non-white humans in zoos. The story of Ota Benga, an African pygmy, is given prominent coverage.

Displays of human “missing links” were not only PT-Barnum-style stunts, but serious attempts by leading scientists to help the public “understand” human evolution. Now, these same institutions, including the Bronx Zoo and the American Museum of Natural History, are trying to whitewash what happened there. They refused to be interviewed for this film or even answer questions, and no indication of their misdeeds can be found in their public facade. A traveling display about Darwin from the museum, in fact, mentions nothing about scientific racism, except to call “social Darwinism” a corruption of Darwin’s ideas. And yet almost all the leading evolutionary scientists of the day in the early 1900’s were guilty of advancing eugenics and racism.

To show how important this issue remains, the film gives examples of school boards refusing to allow curricula to even mention the dark side of Darwinism, including scientific racism and eugenics. They want a sanitized Darwin with a halo, so that evolution gets the distinction of being the only scientific view recognized by today’s “consensus.”

The film shows how Christians were the primary ones denouncing these atrocities, arguing that all men are created equal and made in the image of God.

Watch Human Zoos now, and get others to watch it. Maybe the Darwinian history of racism will be its undoing. If this history is forgotten, the evil root of Darwinism, which ranks people by their “fitness” to society, will rear its ugly head in other, more pernicious ways. Some would argue that it already has (see October 9 entry).

Darwinians had a long history of ‘scientific racism’ and white supremacy.

For more on Ota Benga and the racism of the 20th century Darwinists, read Jerry Bergman’s alarmingi book, The Darwin Effect.

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