Un-crushable Beetle Surprises Scientists

A beetle that lives under tree bark can withstand crushing forces 39,000 times its body weight. It’s called the “diabolical ironclad beetle” and scientists are intrigued. Live Science tells about its lifestyle. Ironclad beetles (Phloeodes diabolicus) measure about 0.6 to 1 inch (15 to 25 millimeters) in length, and are found in woodland habitats in […]

Bird Ballet Revealed

Illustra's latest short film displays a wonder of nature: the coordinated formation flights of thousands of birds.

Tiny Fly Beats Robots

Fruit flies dart, circle, zig and zag rapidly. Researchers gain some insight into how they do it so efficiently.

Bat Evolution? Still Looking

Bat uniqueness baffles evolutionists. There is no fossil record for bat ancestors, and the origin of powered flight and echolocation are huge problems.

Bumblebees Are Misnamed

They don't bumble. They use efficient techniques to get the most bang of weightlifting for the buck of wing flaps.

Be-WAIR of Clawed Birds

Evolutionists have not come up with a better theory for bird flight than a silly hypothesis concocted 16 years ago.

Flight: If You Can’t Evolve It, Model Your Imagination

This is silly. A robot model with outstretched arms cannot begin to say how dinosaurs took wing.

The Non-Evolution of Birds

Dr James F. Coppedge tells an example of a bird whose all-or-nothing migration cannot be explained by evolution.

Three More Designs that Defy Evolution

Darwinian natural selection sounds convincing until you look at the details of extraordinary designs in nature.

Latest Bio-Inspired Technologies Will Improve Life

The world will be a better, more sustainable place if we can imitate how nature handles and organizes its materials.

The Design Packed Into a Fruit Fly

The most amazing animals of all may be the tiniest. Consider how much bio-technology has to fit into the head of a fruit fly.

Good-Flying Cosmopolitan Pterosaur Found Earlier Than Thought

A large pterosaur in Utah is 65 million Darwin Years older than thought, but was already built for flying.

Spiders Fly with Electricity

Scientists have known about spider "ballooning" for a long time, but only recently have they determined that spiders use electricity to fly.

Bugs Ride on the Wings of the Wind

Small animals can take advantage of wind to go long distances in remarkable ways.

Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.
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