Bird Flight Story Falsified

A simplistic story about bird flight influenced a generation of evolution students, but it was wrong.

Flying Physics

In the world of flying animals, stories of remarkable physical engineering come to light.

Bird Wings Found in Amber

The modern appearance is empirical. The date is philosophical.

Just-So Stories for the Birds

Any evidence can be forced into an evolutionary story if your imagination is strong enough.

Darwin Can't Win for Losing

Progress must be made with gains, not losses.

Real Creatures with Superpowers

Check out the capabilities of these amazing little critters.

Bird Brain Is a Compliment

Birds are as smart as apes, even though long separated in ancestral time according to Darwin.

Secret Animal Hideouts

Small animals can hide out in secret places, even in your own home.

Fossils that Defy Old Ages

Here are three things assumed to be old that look young. It's only the presumption of old age that forces the claims of millions of years.

Just-So Stories for the Darwin Crowd

For the scientifically illiterate, bedtime stories of how things evolved bring contentment.

Design in Tiny Fruit Flies

Among the smallest of flyers, these amazing insects pack incredible technology into a tiny package.

Animal Engineers Teach Physics Profs a Thing or Three

Three animals never went to the university, but they leave human PhDs struggling to catch up to their know-how.

Bird Flew Over Dinosaurs

An exceptionally-preserved fossil bird could be mistaken for a modern agile flyer—except it's dated early Cretaceous.

Feathered Velociraptor? Untangling the Spin

Discoverers admit this could be a flightless bird. That's not the only problem.

Bats Are Home-Run Flyers

You don't just put wings on a naked mole rat and make it fly. Bats are designed to be aero-bat-ic champions.
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