Real Feathers Found on Imaginary Dinosaur

We've reported "imaginary feathers" on dinosaurs over the years, but this new fossil bird could fly.

New Archaeopteryx Fossil Grounds Evolutionary Ideas About Flight

The 11th fossil of Archaeopteryx, found in German limestone, has dished up some surprises that finish off the old evolutionary icon.

Archive Classic: How Darwinism Produces Job Security

This entry from 12/22/2003 we have referenced often, because it illustrates how Darwin changed science into storytelling.

Life Shows Exquisite Engineering and Optimization

Engineers drool over animal capabilities. How would mutation and natural selection deal with these examples of design perfection?

The Early Hummingbird Gets the Evolutionary Nectar

A three-inch fossil bird is said to be the earliest nectar-feeder, meaning pollination by birds is older and more complex than thought.

News About Bird Evolution

We've just heard about some amazing birds. Now, what to secular scientists say about how they evolved?

News for the Birds

Our human readers are allowed to peek in on these headlines for and about our feathered intellectuals.

Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration

Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed.

Story on Evolution of Birds Glosses Over Details

It takes more to turn a dinosaur into a bird than changing arm and leg ratios and reducing body size.

Tree Crocodiles and Other Surprising Animals

Scientists have a lot to learn about living animals before presuming to speak of long-lost extinct ones.

How Birds Evolved by Incorrigible Storytelling

An article by a free-lance science writer about dinosaurs evolving into birds takes the cake for speculative just-so storytelling, but it got published and republished anyway.

Batty Illogic Published in Evolutionary Paper

Scientific papers do not emerge from pure realms of wisdom and knowledge. They are written by people, who can be illogical sometimes.

The Evolution of Penguins

Science reporters are dancing with happy feet about a news story supposedly explaining how penguins evolved.

How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers

How does a growing flower bud or feather follicle know where to put the intricate colors and patterns on a mature flower or feather? Scientists are beginning to get partial answers.

Biomimetics Roundup

Here's a quick rundown of news on new technologies emerging from the study of plants, animals, and cells.
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