No, These Findings Do Not Support Evolution

Evolutionary biologists keep giving Darwin credit for discoveries that actually militate against his theory.

Scientific Discoveries Can Cast Doubt on Long-Held Beliefs

You have to look beneath the surface veneer of bluffing in science news to see how the sausage is made before it gets packaged to the press.

Humans: Uniquely Endowed, Unnaturally Evil

How could such 'fearfully and wonderfully made' beings be capable of unspeakable atrocities?

Tangled Branches Confound Darwinian Trees

Darwin's branching "tree of life" diagram made for a nice, simple, easy-to-understand, convenient myth. It has sent scientists on a wild tree chase ever since.

Paley’s Watch Found

There actually is a clock in the heath, and it's in our bodies, too.

The 4D Nucleome Project Helps Creationist Research

Here we tell about the 4D Nucleome and ENCODE project and the billions of dollars God is sending to help creationist research through the NIH’s unwitting funding programs. Hermann Muller won the Nobel Prize for his study of human mutations and birth defects.  A consequence of Muller’s theories imply that only 2% of the human genome could be functional […]

The Darwin Fail Comedy Show

Darwinian evolution is supposed to innovate new things, not remove them or conserve them. Here are the latest examples of "Darwin Fail" embarrassments.

Small Molecules Play Key Roles in Cells

Molecular biologists are finding a universe of functional small proteins and RNAs that were considered junk or not even known to exist.

Evolution: A Theory in Constant Revision

Darwinian evolution survives by constant patching of weaknesses in its web of belief.

Immorality Collides With Nature

When all else fails, get out the Manufacturer's manual. Better, do it before all the trouble starts.

Giraffe Genome Too Distinct for Evolution

The giraffe genome is now published. Does it show evolution from an ancestor in the time allowed?

Silly Stories About Early Man

The few fossils of alleged human ancestors leave a lot of room for imagination.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Endosymbiosis?

The theory that early cells engulfed microbes that became mitochondria is often presented overconfidently.

The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created?

Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature.

Evolutionary Anthropologists Startled by Racial Mixing in Africa

If they didn't expect recent genetic mixing from Europe into Africa, how certain are they about older human migrations?
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