Parallel Universe of Microbial "Dark Matter" Revealed

As scientists continue to find incredible diversity in the smallest of organisms, realizations of all we've been missing are changing conceptions of life.

Are These Horse Genes Really 700,000 Years Old?

News sites are celebrating a "spectacular" new record for fossil DNA, claiming horse genes found in permafrost are 700,000 years old, placing the common ancestor two million years earlier than thought.

Your Cat and Evolution

This week's just-so story is, "How the kitty got its stripes." All the news are on it; they just don't answer the question.

Denisovan Genome Reveals Interbreeding With Modern Humans

With the publishing of the Denisovan genome, the genetic profile of interfertile humans has widened considerably.

Epigenetics Leads the Genetics News

More and more studies are revealing systems that regulate DNA. Here are some recent samples.

Bacteria as a Vast Unexplored Medicine Chest

Most of our therapeutic agents have been derived from bacteria. A new survey shows we have barely tapped the surface of potential medicines beneath our feet.
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