Darwin and Evolution That Doesn't Look Like Evolution October 1, 2015 Here are more findings, categorized under "evolution," that might turn heads and make one say, "Huh?" CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Underwater Marvels September 10, 2015 Check out these amazing creatures that inhabit the liquid universe of planet Earth's oceans and rivers. Only the first one is a fish. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionary Enigmas August 11, 2015 Neo-Darwinism is at war with the observations, and the observations might just win. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Enjoy Your High-Tech Body and Brain July 31, 2015 No need to feel insignificant in a lonely universe. You are loaded with great equipment for an exciting life. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Neanderthal Genes: Evolutionists Surprised at How Wrong They Were June 24, 2015 A substantial amount of Neanderthal genes in a modern human skeleton is not what they had predicted. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Genetic Evolution Falsified May 22, 2015 Hundreds of your genes work just fine in yeast and plankton, after supposedly a billion years of evolution separating us. CONTINUE READING
Birds Bird Evolution Explodes December 13, 2014 Did birds arrive in a 'big bang' of evolution, or is their explosive appearance yielding a scattered jetsam of Darwinian theories? CONTINUE READING
Mammals The New Horse Series: Genomes Confuse "Textbook Example of Evolution" December 3, 2014 Horses, asses and zebras show evidence of gene flow despite extreme chromosome rearrangements. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Sale November 21, 2014 We need to clear the deck of evolution news. Here's a list of headlines presented "as is" for interested readers to research further. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Monarch Butterflies Do Not Have to Migrate October 7, 2014 When 101 butterfly genomes were compared, there were surprises. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Homage to Diatoms June 19, 2014 Twenty percent of the air you are breathing came from tiny animals living in crystal cathedrals. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Early Man Findings Contradict Evolution February 3, 2014 Not only has man always been man, he could not have lived as many years ago as claimed. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Sharks Traveled Far but Evolved Nowhere January 10, 2014 A shark genome shows the slowest evolution ever, but prehistoric sharks were the first to figure out long-distance migration. CONTINUE READING
Botany Flower in Amber Shows No Evolution January 5, 2014 The details in a flower said to be 100 million years old look just like those in modern flowers. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology You Are Not a Comb Jelly December 14, 2013 Reports that ctenophores are ancestors of all animals hide uncomfortable findings for evolution about the comb jelly's genome. CONTINUE READING