Original Proteins Found in Fossil Sea Turtle

The fossil of a sea turtle said to be 54 million years old still has original proteins of pigment and muscle.

Scientists Discover Liberty Works

The incontrovertible leftist bent in academia once in awhile runs against facts of human nature. Studies show individual liberty is often better than government or globalist control.

Empirical Test of the Rafting Hypothesis

Evolutionists claim large mammals like monkeys made it across oceans on rafts of vegetation. Here was a chance to test the idea.

Fossil Food Finds Change Evolutionary Stories

Four fossils give indications of what extinct animals ate. The results challenge what evolutionists thought about their complexity.

Animals Teach Humans About Design

They may not be able to talk, but living things communicate graduate level information about physics, chemistry and intelligent design.

Darwinism as a Post-Observation What-If Game

The silly evolutionary spin put on observations of the natural world do not contribute to science; they cheapen it.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 5: Water and Rock

by Dr Henry Richter There is much interest in searching for life elsewhere in the Universe. In previous articles I talked about the many criteria describing conditions and circumstances required to establish and maintain life on a planet. I talked about the importance of the location of the planet in its solar system. The location […]

How Did Primitive Organisms Learn Physics?

Inspiring cases of ballistics, civil engineering and architecture can be found in some of the simplest of living organisms.

Multiple Independent Animal Types Use Structural Color

The phenomenon is found in butterflies, fish, birds, and snakes, and scientists are rushing to imitate their secrets.

Dolphin Trick Could Save Lives

When trauma hits, do what the dolphins do: cool the face and eyes.

Next Evolutionary Icon: Peppered Snakes?

Sea snakes said to turn black due to 'industrial melanism'—a term from the old peppered moth story. Media go wild.

Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations

Here are some notable fossil finds that tell stories, not necessarily the Darwin kind.

The Fossils that Didn’t Evolve

Here's an assortment of newly-discovered fossils that challenge Darwinian evolution.

Guessing Game: Name the Organism that Inspired This Discovery

Here's a quick brain teaser. Can you guess which biological organism inspired the scientific advance? Answers and sources provided.

Drastic Fossil Date Revisions Never Deter Evolutionists

The best illustration of dogmatism among evolutionists is seeing how they cling to their beliefs even when fossil dates change radically.
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