Darwin and Evolution Darwin Given Credit for Non-Darwinian Observations November 5, 2018 Darwinian evolution is one of the most curious scientific theories ever. Even un-Darwinian data can be twisted to support it. CONTINUE READING
Media Silly Darwin Stories Never Rebuked by Big Science, Big Media September 28, 2018 If you pledge allegiance to the Darwin Party, you can get away with pure nonsense and call it "science." CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fat Chance: Evolutionists Push Date of Soft Tissue Back 558 Million Years September 22, 2018 The latest find of original molecules in a fossil should falsify long ages, but the discoverers use it to celebrate Darwinian evolution. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Latest Bio-Inspired Technologies Will Improve Life September 18, 2018 The world will be a better, more sustainable place if we can imitate how nature handles and organizes its materials. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils Can Mislead Big Time September 15, 2018 Claims about fossil patterns rely on methods and assumptions that have been proven wrong. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Sharks Can Digest Vegetables: Scientists Flabbergasted September 6, 2018 An apex carnivore of the sea not only eats seagrass, but can digest it just fine. CONTINUE READING
Human Body One Wrong-Handed Amino Acid Can Cause Vertigo August 11, 2018 The rocks in your head that give you a sense of balance are finely tuned to spiral in a certain way. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Environments Do Not Cause Adaptations July 23, 2018 The way some evolutionists think, light creates eyes, sound creates ears, and odors create noses. CONTINUE READING
Human Body People Smell All Over, and Other Body Surprises July 14, 2018 Here are some new discoveries you probably didn't realize about the human body. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology “It Evolved” Is Not an Explanation July 12, 2018 A Darwinian can stare at evidence for intelligent design all day and conclude, without batting an eye, "evolution did it." Look at these examples. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution The Evolution of Screaming and Other Darwin Absurdities July 2, 2018 When Darwinism is the only game in town, you're likely to see some fumbles good for laughs. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Incredible Fish that Defy Evolution June 12, 2018 The variety of shapes, colors and ecological niches of fishes prove too much for chance mutations and unguided processes to handle. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Is It Becoming Safer to Doubt Darwin? June 2, 2018 One recent secular news article leaves Darwin flailing without answers, but don't expect a revolution just yet. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Tangled Branches Confound Darwinian Trees May 1, 2018 Darwin's branching "tree of life" diagram made for a nice, simple, easy-to-understand, convenient myth. It has sent scientists on a wild tree chase ever since. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Little Bugs with Mighty Powers April 30, 2018 Bugs so small you could step on them, but if we were their size, we could never do what they do. CONTINUE READING