Desperately Defending Darwin

The desperation with which biologists and the media defend Darwin betrays underlying fear of creationists.

How the Darwinist Got His Just-So Story

Evolutionists are not yet ashamed enough about their storytelling habit, but there are some hopeful signs of embarrassment.

Bumblebees Pack Aerodynamic Sophistication into One Gram

Bumblebees seem self-aware of their dimensions so that they can navigate tight spaces during flight.

Re-imagining Food

Would you eat these things? Gross but nutritious, some health scientists say we should.

Un-crushable Beetle Surprises Scientists

A beetle that lives under tree bark can withstand crushing forces 39,000 times its body weight. It’s called the “diabolical ironclad beetle” and scientists are intrigued. Live Science tells about its lifestyle. Ironclad beetles (Phloeodes diabolicus) measure about 0.6 to 1 inch (15 to 25 millimeters) in length, and are found in woodland habitats in […]

Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?

Did the Creator have a purpose for mosquitoes? Things have changed since the beginning.

Tiny Fly Beats Robots

Fruit flies dart, circle, zig and zag rapidly. Researchers gain some insight into how they do it so efficiently.

Living ‘Dinosaur Kin’ Has Genes that Defy Evolution

It lived with its fellow reptiles, the dinosaurs. And it stalks the earth today. What do its genes show?

Scientists Retract Dino-Bird Paper

Was it a bird or a dinosaur? The latest guess is neither. It was a lizard! Another example of guesswork in paleontology.

Blood Cells Act as Multi-Purpose Truckers

Blood Cells: Oxygen-Carrying Trucks That Have a Host of Functions New Research Shows How the Body Shows Striking Evidence of Intelligent Design by Jerry Bergman, PhD   Introduction One of my masters theses for medical school researched tumor markers.[1] Tumor markers are body indications of a disease state such as cancer. An example is substances […]

Evolutionists Connect Dinosaur Dots with Puny Fossil

Leaping lizards! Evolutionists make extravagant case for ancestor of dinosaur and birds based on widely distant, unique fossils.

Did Fish Evolve Hands?

Wishful thinking from a one-track mind leads evolutionists to draw more imagination than demonstration in the latest tetrapod-ancestor fossil.

Bombardier Beetle Answered by Evolutionists

Evolutionists bravely take on a creation icon: the bombardier beetle. Does their explanation work?

Extinctions: A Playground for Darwin Storytellers

The fossils show that many species are gone from our planet. But explaining how they went extinct depends on one's worldview beliefs.

Previous Tetrapod Ancestors Fell Flat, Too

  Fame and Fortune (cont.): What constitutes a sister taxon to tetrapods? By Margaret Helder, PhD (continued from yesterday) Ever since Prof. Edward Drinker Cope identified a lobe finned fish called Eusthenopteron from Miguasha in Quebec, as a promising ancestor of four footed animals, the question arose as to what features in a fish would […]
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