Unknowns Found in Climate Change Models

"Follow the science!" the consensus demands, and many politicians fall in line to look good. These stories cast doubt on the science.

Christians Need to Stop Retreating and Take the Lead in the Marketplace of Ideas

Secular psychologists try to pigeonhole evangelical Christians as second-class citizens enslaved to groupthink. The opposite is true. It's time to boldly say so.

Scientists Treat Biological Sex as Binary

Politically-correct influencers cannot deny the obvious forever. Scientists have to deal with reality every day.

Evolutionary Textbooks Promoted Racism

Biology textbooks played a significant role in promoting racism, but this embarrassing history is often ignored. Dr Jerry Bergman explains why.

Extraordinary Claim: Life on Venus?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, scientists like to say. One smelly molecule is not enough to claim life.

Dark Matter Believers Panicking

Where is this stuff they keep telling us makes up most of the universe? The ideas are getting even more bizarre.

Op-Ed: Geneticist Asks Americans to Choose Sides

Here is reproduced a call to action by Dr John Sanford, Cornell geneticist and leading creation scientist. Feel free to share.

Darwin Still Escaping Apologies for Scientific Racism

Apologizing for past racism is now everywhere but rarely mentions Darwin and evolution’s central role in it. History, though, documents Darwin's role in abundance.

Big Errors Common in Big Science

It’s in the nature of theories to be overturned by new data. So how much trust should be put in current theories? Even the positivists like the reporters in New Scientist recognize that “There is no such thing as scientific truth, just a set of provisional truths that are subject to revision or rejection when […]

Big Science Dodging Its Own Racism

They have the worst record on race of any institutions, but they are blaming YOU. This is the strategy of projection.

Earth Water Was Always Here

A new theory for the origin of Earth's oceans tries to make a splash again. This one says the Earth has always been wet.

Fallen, Fallen Is Big Science the Great (cont.)

Here are more angles from which to view the downfall of Big Science and its accomplice, Big Media.

Fallen, Fallen Is Big Science the Great

Big Science has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit. And they admit it.

Universities Scrub Names of Racist Leaders

The next step should be for the ACLU to acknowledge its racism.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on Darwin’s Titanic

Until it sinks into the depths of failed philosophy, the HMS Darwin gives evolutionists years of busy-work moving props around.
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