If one of your major model inputs is off by up to 50%, what does that do to the precision of your predictions about degrees of temperature change a century from now?
The popular RNA World hypothesis is so improbable that multiple universes would be needed to believe it, but some prefer that to the obvious implications.
A new study of elephants, mammoths and mastodons show they were all interfertile or capable of hybridization. Our present world is impoverished of elephants, or “elephantids” as scientists dub the family. Mammoths and mastodons roamed throughout America and Asia, evidenced by the massive fossil beds, where millions of mammoth bones can be found in permafrost. […]
Major innovations that should have required many millions of years of slow, gradual evolution keep turning up earlier than thought. But who thought? We coined a new word tontologism (look it up in the Darwin Dictionary) to account for a bad habit of Darwinians. They frequently say, when evidence goes against their previous beliefs, “we […]
In plate tectonics, continental plates get subducted and melt under pressure. That’s like what happens to geological theories. Read enough geology papers, and you will find old theories constantly being replaced. Classic examples include plate tectonics becoming the new normal after Wegener’s theory had been viciously attacked, and megaflood theory for the Channeled Scablands becoming […]