Darwin and Evolution Non-Darwinian Biological Change August 11, 2016 Scientists find many examples of biological change that do not fit the mutation-selection paradigm. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Piltdown Forger Fingered August 10, 2016 One man committed the greatest hoax in the history of anthropology, but others are not so easily exonerated for believing it. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Joins US Democrat Party Campaign August 7, 2016 Science journals and reporters—even those outside the US—position themselves to defeat Trump and elect Clinton to promote their leftist causes. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientists Can Be Inept Philosophers August 2, 2016 An undergrad philosopher could make mince meat out of some scientists' claims. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Succumbs to Political Correctness July 31, 2016 Is science immune from cultural trends? In theory, hopefully; in practice, often not. CONTINUE READING
Media Media Perpetuates Lazy Thinking July 27, 2016 Lazy reporters don't do their homework, two critics in different fields complain. CONTINUE READING
Health Your Body Needs Its Nature Medicine July 17, 2016 Trapping yourself indoors most of the day? Studies show that health improves with outdoor experiences in nature. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Undermine Their Own Truth Claims July 16, 2016 Two evolutionists appeal to "evolutionary forces" to explain the rise of bad science. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Pardon, Your Worldview Is Showing July 12, 2016 The most dangerous ideology is the one that doesn't acknowledge its worldview assumptions. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Immorality Collides With Nature July 10, 2016 When all else fails, get out the Manufacturer's manual. Better, do it before all the trouble starts. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Peer Review Is Unscientific July 9, 2016 A reviewer of peer review says our reverence for the practice borders on mysticism, not science. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science You Can Trust Scientists (to Be Fallible) July 5, 2016 With theory overturns like these, one gets to wonder about the privileged status of scientists in our culture. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics "Political" Science Threatens Historic American Values July 3, 2016 Take any issue on the political scene, and you will find the scientific elites cheering for the left side. CONTINUE READING
Geology Dead Sea Receding Shoreline Reveals Amazing Geology June 27, 2016 As the Dead Sea's water level continues to decline, interesting geology comes to light. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientists Become Beasts June 26, 2016 The AAAS endorses two books where researchers act like animals. CONTINUE READING