Old-Earth Evolutionists Have Blown Their Cred

All the news media are uncritically parroting a preposterous claim that makes the Rip Van Winkle fable look reasonable.

Plagues Can Arise Quickly Without Evolution

Smallpox and mosquitos illustrate how diseases can arise quickly and spread through human populations.

Biosignatures Reveal Intact Soft Tissue Is Ubiquitous in Fossils

Yale paleontologists admit soft tissue is everywhere but try to use it as data for millions of years of evolution.

Blood Cells Act as Multi-Purpose Truckers

Blood Cells: Oxygen-Carrying Trucks That Have a Host of Functions New Research Shows How the Body Shows Striking Evidence of Intelligent Design by Jerry Bergman, PhD   Introduction One of my masters theses for medical school researched tumor markers.[1] Tumor markers are body indications of a disease state such as cancer. An example is substances […]

Diatoms Defy the Evolutionary Endosymbiosis Theory

Here's why endosymbiosis cannot explain diatoms – or anything else.

Plant Wonders Inspire Awe

From small herbs underfoot to towering giants, plants have what it takes to thrive in their habitats.

Origin of the Ribosome Baffles Evolutionists

The ribosome is a very complicated molecular machine with numerous accessory parts. Life cannot live without it. How could it evolve?

Research on Embryonic Stem Cells Takes Dangerous Turns

They say they seek understanding for our good, but some scientific practices are not ethically justifiable.

Paid Liars: Origin of Life Researchers

What else do you call pseudo-scientists who know what they try to do is impossible, but tell the public they're getting warmer?

Cancer Research Is Based on Intelligent Design, Not Evolution

To Understand Cancer Requires Acceptance of Irreducible Complexity

Epigenetics Complicates Evolutionary Theory

Evidence has been mounting that other mechanisms and codes that regulate the genetic code are just as vital as DNA itself.

Ribosome Self-Assembly Is Not Evolution

So many pieces have to be placed in the right order, chance is ridiculously out of luck.

Archive Classic: The Evolution of Electrical Engineering: An Imaginary Tale

This CEH entry from Jan 17, 2007 contains a lesson still important today.

Keep Darwinism Out of Pandemic Response

Two Darwinians inject "survival of the fittest" into the current crisis. So if the virus kills a patient, is it the fittest?

Venom for Good

Researchers are looking into possible cures for pain, diabetes and cancer in natural toxins.
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