Great Oxidation Myth Unravels, Saved by the Scenario

Darwinians never give up a useful myth. When it falls apart, they patch it up with imagination.

NASA Indoctrinates Kids to Expect Aliens

Students in public schools have no chance to hear the reasons why life cannot "emerge" from rocks and water.

Pasteur Was Right: Abiogenesis Is Impossible

Pasteur was right: life begets life. It is becoming more obvious that an origin of life by purely natural processes cannot occur.

Microbes Travel the Globe

The tiniest of life forms are able to traverse continental distances on wings of the wind.

Darwin Imagineers Stuff Fantasy Narratives with Irrelevant Details

Brains are like trees, only ours are upside down because plant brains are in the roots. Both came from chemicals.

Evolutionary Paleontologists Ask Wrong Questions

Data that should falsify evolutionary timelines instead is used to launch new storytelling speculations.

Seeing Fake Life in Dead Minerals

Fooled by wishful thinking, some paleontologists call round things microfossils when they were never alive.

Matched Design in Human Reproduction Defies Evolution

This excerpt from Henry Richter's book illustrates amazingly complex design in human reproduction.

More Evidence Refutes Myth of Junk DNA

The myth of junk DNA is not totally dead yet, but it's getting there.

SARS-CoV-2 Virus Dies in Seconds Under UV-C

New research finds that seconds of exposure to 254nm ultraviolet light inactivates the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

How the Story Got Its Just-So

Scientific storytelling can be useful when it's not a just-so story. What's the difference?

Water Quickly Evaporates on Mars

Scientists overestimate how much water could exist on Mars. New studies show it can't last even a day.

Flagellar Motor Is Actually Many Motors

A new model of the bacterial flagellum, an icon of intelligent design, has just increased the design complexity even more.

Are Giant Viruses Alive?

Another new form of life discovered: the world gets more complicated.

Celebrate ENCODE III and the demise of ‘Junk DNA’

An international genome survey finds that vast quantities of non-coding DNA are transcribed and probably functional, not 'junk' as evolutionists had thought.
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