Darwin Day Webinar Premiered Molecular Machine Animation

The Discovery Institute hosted a Darwin Day webinar at 10:00 a.m. Sat Feb 12. It featured a new animation of a molecular machine.

Genes Determine Sex Differences

Thousands of differences in male/female brains are due to genes, not a sexist environment.

Life is Designed to Prevent Evolution

Another system has been discovered that corrects the very mutations that Darwinism depends on for novelty.

Darwin and the Origin of Lie

Not a typo: Darwin's religion of naturalism advanced the Origin of Lie: the belief that life is just something that happens naturally.

Will the new Space Telescope See the Origin of Life?

Spending Another $10 Billion to Prove Atheism: Another Proposal to get Life from Non-life   by Jerry Bergman, PhD Atheism might have had its defenders long before Darwin, but as Richard Dawkins has famously said, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”[1] Not quite. To be an intellectually fulfilled atheist, a viable […]

“Settled Science” Unsettled: The Case of Fluoridated Water

Another case of scientific consensus has been undermined. How many were put at risk by a false idea?

Your Body Constantly Fights Cancer

Sometimes cancer cells take hold, but not for want of constant surveillance and combat by the immune system.

Leaky Mitochondria Keep Sea Otters Warm

Darwin-free research on sea otters might have benefits for humans.

Smell Incredible Design

Learn some amazing facts about the sense of smell brought to you Darwin-free by Swedish scientists.

Unusual Things to Be Thankful For

It's Thanksgiving Day in America. Here are some things to add as you count your blessings.

Evolutionists Have Sponge Brains

This is not a slur. They believe it themselves, and say so.

Nature Journal Doubles Down on Abortion

As if needing to justify its earlier pro-abortion piece, Nature hits back on critics like us.

Big Science Lobbies for Abortion

When judging whether Big Science and Big Media are trustworthy, look at their treatment of abortion.

Origin of Species by Microbes?

Moving speciation from chance variation to microbiomes still leaves it up to chance.

Miller Experiment Still Sells Building Blocks of Lie

After nearly 68 years, the Miller Experiment still has propaganda value. Update: just add glass chips, get more lies.
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