Pernicious Amorality Infiltrates Modern Social Darwinism

A deadly doctrine lies at the heart of modern evolutionary social theory. The next Hitler will love this creed.

How to Do Biology Without Darwin

A paper and press release compare fish and humans, but avoid falling into the Darwin just-so-story habit.

Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?

Did the Creator have a purpose for mosquitoes? Things have changed since the beginning.

Natural Selection Undoes What It Does

A theory that can explain opposites can explain anything, therefore nothing. Darwin's chief mechanism for evolution collapses.

New Documentary Dismantles Evolution: Free This Weekend

"Dismantled" is a new 90-minute documentary undermining evolutionary history. Till Sunday night, it's free to watch.

How Flowers Bloom on Time

Plants seem to know when to produce their blossoms. How do whole fields of them bloom together?

Seeing Cells Is Seeing Complex Organization

Darwin and Haeckel would never have dreamed of the complex specified information to be found in "protoplasm."

Scientists Treat Biological Sex as Binary

Politically-correct influencers cannot deny the obvious forever. Scientists have to deal with reality every day.

New Video Shows the Boggling Amount of Code in Your Body

Illustra's new short film, "18 Trillion Feet of You," shows how DNA is packed into the 3 trillion nucleated cells, and how far all of it would reach.

Cells Model Sustainable Lifestyles

They renew. They recycle. They clean up their messes. We could learn things from cells. Cell division: cleaning the nucleus without detergents (Austrian Institute of Molecular Biotechnology). Mitosis, or cell division, is a messy process. All of a sudden, when the nuclear membrane disassembles, genes that had been isolated from the cytoplasm mix with it. […]

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on Darwin’s Titanic

Until it sinks into the depths of failed philosophy, the HMS Darwin gives evolutionists years of busy-work moving props around.

Has COVID-19 Been Handcuffed?

A grad student and a large American team finds a molecule that puts SARS-CoV-2 into a straitjacket.

Think About the Brain

The human brain keeps surprising scientists with its unfathomable complexity as well as its nifty algorithms.

Lying for Darwin: A Global Pandemic

Science is infected with parasitic doctrines that have developed antibiotic resistance against logic.

Origin-of-Life Research Abandons Chemistry, Turns to Miracles

If a chance explosion created the universe out of nothing, maybe another 'big bang' created life, too.
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