Health Your Body Constantly Fights Cancer December 21, 2021 Sometimes cancer cells take hold, but not for want of constant surveillance and combat by the immune system. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Leaky Mitochondria Keep Sea Otters Warm December 14, 2021 Darwin-free research on sea otters might have benefits for humans. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Smell Incredible Design December 7, 2021 Learn some amazing facts about the sense of smell brought to you Darwin-free by Swedish scientists. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Biology Needs Design, Not Darwin December 6, 2021 Scientists need to stop using Darwin like a lucky charm. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Unusual Things to Be Thankful For November 25, 2021 It's Thanksgiving Day in America. Here are some things to add as you count your blessings. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionary Fitness Is Not Measurable November 20, 2021 The central concept of natural selection cannot be measured. This means it has no scientific value. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Have Sponge Brains November 19, 2021 This is not a slur. They believe it themselves, and say so. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Nature Journal Doubles Down on Abortion November 18, 2021 As if needing to justify its earlier pro-abortion piece, Nature hits back on critics like us. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Lobbies for Abortion November 15, 2021 When judging whether Big Science and Big Media are trustworthy, look at their treatment of abortion. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Downsizing Evolution’s Credit Balance November 12, 2021 Evolution takes credit for many things that have nothing to do with Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Junk DNA Goes the Way of the Vestigial Organs Myth November 11, 2021 Yet another study finds that “Junk DNA” has a critical role in mammals. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Origin of Species by Microbes? November 2, 2021 Moving speciation from chance variation to microbiomes still leaves it up to chance. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Miller Experiment Still Sells Building Blocks of Lie October 28, 2021 After nearly 68 years, the Miller Experiment still has propaganda value. Update: just add glass chips, get more lies. CONTINUE READING
Health On Vaccines and Fetal Tissue, Wisdom Is Required October 26, 2021 Advances in science will eventually vindicate the pro-life position, says Dr Jerry Bergman. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution by Subtraction Has No Teeth October 25, 2021 Darwin won't get very far when complex traits are lost by natural selection. CONTINUE READING