Adult Body Proportions Partly Solved

Progress in solving the mystery of adult-size similarity in animals: new genetic process sheds light on how organ proportionality works.

Evolutionists Justify Infanticide

When your starting assumption is, "Whatever exists evolved," you can rationalize any atrocity as normal.

Mutations Are Not the Main Source of Genetic Variety for Evolution

New research study has created more problems for neo-Darwinism

Genetic Sex Runs Deep

Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues.

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Mutations Are Not Neutral

It should be obvious that random mistakes cannot be good. A new study confirms that intuition.

Fireflies Light Up New Illustra Video

Zoom in to the light organs. Zoom out to a wonder of nature.

Evolutionary Trees Are All Wrong

We didn't say it. They did. But how can we trust what they are saying now?

Genetic Finding Keeps Sexes Separate

Why surgery cannot convert a male to a female or vice versa.

Skull Duggery in Whale Evolution

—or Skull Dodgery: Evolutionists dodge a heady issue, thinking a skull will evolve a brain complete with new skills.

Big Science Goes All in for Abortion

Big Science as a special interest group favors abortion, but biological science favors life.

Mutations Conspire to Defeat Evolution

Mutations don't just act alone. They work in concert to decrease fitness.

News Media Swallow 830 Million Year Old Life Claim

The extreme gullibility of scientists and reporters displays their blind love for Darwin and deep time.

Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress

Belief triumphs over facts in an evolutionist's claim that duplicate genes can evolve new functions.

Insect Wings: How Darwinists Fly Off Course

Asking the wrong questions can lead a scientist nowhere. A recent example is trying to explain insect wings.
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