How the Story Lost Its Just-So

When recast into more empirically rigorous language, Darwinian just-so stories become engineering design accounts.

Cell Biologists Describe a “Beautiful, Flawless Machine”

All life depends on the Kinetochore. It hasn't evolved for a "billion years."

Human Evolution Story in Tatters

Another skull scrambles the paleoanthropology story. What is the reason for so many rewrites of human evolution?

Sheep Mummy Shows Limits on DNA Longevity

Under ideal conditions for preservation, DNA from a sheep in a salt mine lasted 1,600 years. But could it last millions?

Echoes of Nazism Haunt New Medical Ethics Guidelines

Moving Toward Nazism? Are Stem Cell Research Limits Going Too Far?   by Jerry Bergman, PhD Introduction The philosophical and scientific creep towards Nazism may have now begun. First, a review of what happened in Nazi Germany. The story begins in the early 1900s in efforts to breed humans with what evolution claims are our […]

Astrobiologists Ignore Life Complexity

To astrobiologists, cells are just emergent collections of matter. The difficulty of getting them to emerge escapes their notice.   Planetary scientists revealed their bad habit of hydrobioscopy again this week. They reasoned, Saturn’s little moon Enceladus has water; it has methane; it could have life! Why is that their focus? Why are they ignoring […]

Weasel Goes the PopGen

Is the field of population genetics a valid science or an assumption-laden storytelling game?

Desert Varnish Goes Biological

What was thought to be a geological phenomenon turns out to be the work of photosynthetic bacteria.

Cilia ‘Magic Carpet’ Required for Life

Small details can be critical for life. Look at what is involved in getting an egg into position for fertilization.

“The Evolution of…” Is a Useless Phrase

The only thing the phrase accomplishes is perpetuating myths about the magical power of the Stuff Happens Law.

Neanderthal Fails Again as Evolutionary Link

Another attempt to resurrect the once-prized evolutionary link between apes and modern humans fails.

Thoughts about Tooth Enamel

The minerals that make up teeth provide another example of phenomenally detailed design.

DNA of ‘Cave Woman’ Very Similar to Ours

Genome of  40,000-year-old woman sequenced. DNA of the oldest known human is more like ours than evolution predicted.

Rotifer Mocks Old-Age Credulity

This claim outdoes the Rip Van Winkle fable by four orders of magnitude.

Biology Meets Engineering

Instead of shaming Darwinism out of existence, a group is replacing it with something that works.
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