Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress

Belief triumphs over facts in an evolutionist's claim that duplicate genes can evolve new functions.

Insect Wings: How Darwinists Fly Off Course

Asking the wrong questions can lead a scientist nowhere. A recent example is trying to explain insect wings.

The Wonder Material: Cartilage

The formerly simple tissue turns out to be both more complex and masterly designed.

Gut Bacteria Remember Pathogens

New discovery on intestinal immune system adds to the complexity of the human body

Will DNA Overtake Hard Drives?

"DNA is nature’s original data storage system. We can use it to store any kind of data: images, video, music — anything."

How to Adapt Without New Genes

Scientists are finding out, to their surprise, that organisms can adapt without mutations and natural selection.

Did Nice Dogs Evolve from Mean Wolves?

Yet another evolution story falters: dog domestication tale fails to support another tale: how wild apes became civilized humans.

Mars Life Is a Mirage

It's an ongoing fault of astrobiologists to stampede on life claims. Two geologists want to yank the reins.

HeadStart: New Online Tool for Science Students

A new website from the Creation Science Association of Alberta provides resources for the inquiring student.

Darwin Day Webinar Premiered Molecular Machine Animation

The Discovery Institute hosted a Darwin Day webinar at 10:00 a.m. Sat Feb 12. It featured a new animation of a molecular machine.

Genes Determine Sex Differences

Thousands of differences in male/female brains are due to genes, not a sexist environment.

Life is Designed to Prevent Evolution

Another system has been discovered that corrects the very mutations that Darwinism depends on for novelty.

Darwin and the Origin of Lie

Not a typo: Darwin's religion of naturalism advanced the Origin of Lie: the belief that life is just something that happens naturally.

The Impossibility of “Evolutionary Sense”

It's time to deconstruct a rhetorical myth that always gets an easy pass in the uncritical pro-Darwin media.

Will the new Space Telescope See the Origin of Life?

Spending Another $10 Billion to Prove Atheism: Another Proposal to get Life from Non-life   by Jerry Bergman, PhD Atheism might have had its defenders long before Darwin, but as Richard Dawkins has famously said, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”[1] Not quite. To be an intellectually fulfilled atheist, a viable […]
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