Heart Mountain Slide Levitated on Gas

The world's largest landslide moved a mountain range 31 miles on a cushion of carbon dioxide, geologists say.

Double Trouble for Cosmology

Two developments are converging to threaten the standard big bang model of the universe's origin.

Who's Dumber: Neanderthal or Paleoanthropologist?

The early-man tale by evolutionary anthropologists continues to unravel and display its absurdity.

Blow to Supernova Nucleogenesis Theory

There's 100 times less of a radioactive element on the ocean floor than expected.

Movie "Patterns of Evidence" Mainstreams Early Date of Exodus

A new documentary "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" undergirds the early date for the Exodus affirmed by conservative Bible scholars.

Dinosaur Extinction Was Global

Whatever killed the dinosaurs took place quickly in both North America and Europe simultaneously.

Densely-Packed Dinosaur Raptor Bones Found

A stunning matrix of densely-packed bones from multiple carnivorous dinosaurs has been found in a big block of Utah sandstone.

Theory of Early Oxygenation Undermined

Fossils living in and around newly-discovered methane seeps have cast strong doubt on a leading theory of earth's climate history.

The Christmas Story As Told by a Secular Science Reporter

Here's how the Christmas Story fares under the lens of a secular science reporter who doesn't believe in a miracle-working God who enters into history.

Dinosaurs and the Battle of Killers

An impact drove the dinosaurs extinct; or was it volcanoes?

Storm Surge Carries Huge Boulders

A typhoon carried 180-ton rocks 150 feet up a beach—the largest transport recorded in recent times.

Bird Evolution Explodes

Did birds arrive in a 'big bang' of evolution, or is their explosive appearance yielding a scattered jetsam of Darwinian theories?

Astrobiology Hopes Diminish

Recent findings both near and far create challenges for beliefs that life is common in the universe.

Full Moon Has Magnetic Secret

Ponder this under tonight's full moon. Scientists now say the moon once had a magnetic field stronger than Earth's is now.

Homo erectus Joins Art Society

Etchings on a shell said to be 500,000 years old are shaking up evolutionary paleoanthropologists. Why? Evidence of abstract thinking far too early.
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