Evolutionary Fish Story

Similar-looking blind fish couldn't have swum across the world, so did they evolve separately?

Geological Dates Collapse

Two papers in the journal Geology this month cast serious doubt on assumptions used to date rocks.

Turning Astrobiology Surprises Into Evolutionary Fiction

There's never been a surprise that a good astrobiologist hasn't been able to spin into an evolutionary tale.

Denisovan Genome Reveals Interbreeding With Modern Humans

With the publishing of the Denisovan genome, the genetic profile of interfertile humans has widened considerably.

Human Evolution Puzzles & Problems

Recent stories on human evolution continue to illustrate ongoing problems that overturn long-held beliefs.

Sun, Moon and Stars in the News

What's up in astronomy? Surprises, by heavens.

Rocks Don’t Lie, But Liars Rock

A geologist, trying to be nice to religious people, not only deals fast and loose with rock, but rolls into circular reasoning.

Brazil's Islands in the Sky Defy Evolution

Isolated table mountains with sheer cliffs in South America should be natural laboratories for evolution. Why aren't they?

Palm Trees Thrived in Antarctica

Evidence for tropical trees has been found 5 km deep off the coast of Antarctica.

Volcano Tour Planned

A key researcher of the catastrophic geology at Mt. St. Helens is leading hikes on the volcano next month.

Are Two Cambrian Explosions Better than One?

Something seems wrong with this picture: deep sea creatures living in the dark were preserved in ash from a land volcano.

Stellar Dust Disk Vanishes in 3 Years

According to widely accepted theory, planets evolve from orbiting dust disks surrounding stars. If so, planets trying to form in the dust around one young star didn't have much time. The disk evaporated within 3 years.

Dinosaur Feather Story Gets Hairy

Another "feathered dinosaur" story has caused a flap and flurry of news reports. But are they really feathers, and do they help evolutionary theory?

Scientific Markers Can Mislead

In historical sciences, observable phenomena are often used as indicators of past phenomena. Some recent examples show how these can mislead researchers.

Mating Turtles Fossilized Instantly

Evolutionary paleontologists have a mystery on their hands: how did turtles in the act of mating become fossilized?
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