Politics and Ethics Big Science Goes All in for Abortion May 20, 2022 Big Science as a special interest group favors abortion, but biological science favors life. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Pushes Abortion April 29, 2022 Someone please show us a scientific paper or press release that urges valuing the life of the unborn. CONTINUE READING
Media Censorship Strikes Again March 23, 2022 “Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people.” Nineteenth-century German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Has Sold Its Soul January 25, 2022 Stop kidding yourself. Big Science is a willing accomplice of the Democrat Party and the global elitists. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science and Scientism Are Two Different Things December 15, 2021 A Scientist Condemns Scientism, or why many scientists wrongly confuse science with scientism. CONTINUE READING
Media Trusting Science Is Not the Same as Critical Thinking July 27, 2021 Experiments with participants given fake science show that those who "trust science" can be gullible. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Smoke Gets in the Eyes of Climatologists March 7, 2021 Wildfire smoke and other factors have not been properly taken into account in climate models. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Abandons Political Neutrality October 14, 2020 The self-assumed voices of science are now overtly political, and proud of it. Predictably, they have followed the globalist leftists. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Dodging Its Own Racism September 2, 2020 They have the worst record on race of any institutions, but they are blaming YOU. This is the strategy of projection. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Fallen, Fallen Is Big Science the Great (cont.) August 30, 2020 Here are more angles from which to view the downfall of Big Science and its accomplice, Big Media. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Leftist Scientism Attacks Manhood August 14, 2020 Totalitarian thinking must be resisted in all its forms. Big Science has been targeting masculinity and is ratcheting up the attack. CONTINUE READING
Media Biased Reporters Cloud Scientific Credibility August 4, 2020 How many lies does a person have to say to lose credibility? How many times does he have to be wrong before you stop listening? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Fact-Checking Requires Biblical Morality July 26, 2020 How does a materialist gain the right to combat misinformation from a Darwinian process? CONTINUE READING
Education New Evidence for Discrimination Against Christians in Academia July 17, 2020 A new PhD thesis documents discrimination against creationists in academia: a look at the history and claims of anti-creationists. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science: Lean to the Left July 13, 2020 How does Big Science support the socialist cultural revolution going on in major cities? Let us count the ways. CONTINUE READING