Magical Thinking by Evolutionists

Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.

Wonders Under the Sea

Big animals both living and extinct showcase exquisite detail in bulk.

Two-Timers in the Darwin Party

Evolutionary rates vary by seven orders of magnitude. What kind of theory is that?

Sea Cucumbers Save Corals

The "Roombas of the Sea" help create a clean habitat for coral reefs and their customers.

Year of the Dragon: Real Dragons Lived

Scientists—not cryptozoologists—are calling this beast a dragon.

More Original Molecules Found in “Old” Fossils

The original color molecules from snails are still present after 12 million Darwin Years.

How to Debunk Darwinian Bunk

These scientists don't even understand their own theory. They personify evolution!

Explore Inside a Migrating Salmon’s Nostril

Awesome circuitry is animated in Illustra Media's latest short film.

Archive: DNA Repair, Cambrian Fish, More

Here are some articles from the archives about DNA repair, media, butterflies and more.

Leviathan Was Real

They're not just sailors' tales. Sea monsters really existed.

More Fossils Show Stasis, Not Evolution

Where's the evolution? In these creatures, fossils show complex parts already working.

How to Strip Useless Darwinese from Science Articles

It's a bad habit that adds nothing. Acid-wash the Darwinese from science.

Engineers Follow Inspiring Creatures

From tiny to mighty, living cells, animals and plants inspire human technology.

2023 in Review

Thanks to all who have supported CEH. Here are highlights from 2023. Reporting will resume on Jan. 2.

Spotted and Striped: Why Many Animals Have Elaborate Patterns

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain the patterns that adorn many diverse animals.
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