Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.

Most Common Phrase in Evolution Media: “Earlier Than Thought”

Major innovations that should have required many millions of years of slow, gradual evolution keep turning up earlier than thought. But who thought? We coined a new word tontologism (look it up in the Darwin Dictionary) to account for a bad habit of Darwinians. They frequently say, when evidence goes against their previous beliefs, “we […]

Trends in Biomimetics: Copying Irreducible Complexity

Not everything in nature can be copied effectively for human engineering. Why? Nature is sometimes too good.

Natural Selection Is Not Predictable

Every once in awhile, biologists argue over whether evolution is predictable. The latest flap over stick insects sticks up for predictability, but flops.

The Evolution of the Darwin Fish

The Darwin Fish scientific method: Draw a fish. Draw legs on it to mock Christians who use it as a symbol. Then furiously hunt for evidence that a fish with feet existed.

Creation vs Evolution: The Bombardier Beetle Challenge

Bombardier beetles made the news again this week. Creation scientists have long used them to challenge evolutionary theory. Can the Darwinians fight back?

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

Make Like a Snake

Here are a few more examples illustrating why the imitation of nature is one of the hottest trends in science.
Monarch butterfly on flower

Butterfly Evolution Pushed 70 Million Years Before Flowers

New fossil evidence puts the squeeze on Darwinians, making butterflies appear suddenly, with complex mouth parts, before there were any flowers to pollinate. Time to rescue the theory again.

Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism

A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done.

Well-Adapted Underwater Animals that Defy Evolution

A wide variety of organisms spend all or part of their time under the surface of water, having just the equipment they need to thrive.

Amazing Fossils Found in Flood Deposits

Flood geology explains these unique fossils like slow-and-gradual geology cannot.

Change Your Mind on Darwinism, Get Expelled

A world-class paleontologist and curator of a national museum loses his job and reputation simply for switching from Darwinism to intelligent design.

Biomimetics Continues Its Enthusiastic Winning Streak

If science continues its focus on natural designs, everyone stands to benefit.

Paleontologist Becomes an Outcast After Publicly Renouncing Faith in Darwinism

A Darwinian paleontologist, Günter Bechly changed his views when he decided to read books on intelligent design for himself. The change was costly.
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