Dating Methods Geology Fails Oxygen Test March 4, 2014 A rock used as a signature for the rise of oxygen in the early earth turns out to be misleading and useless for dating. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Record Impact on Moon Ups Cratering Rate Estimates March 2, 2014 The brilliant flash lasted 8 seconds on 9/11 – 2013, that is – the brightest impact ever witnessed on the moon. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Chile Whale Fossil Site Explained February 26, 2014 At least 40 baleen whales and other species of marine mammals fossilized in a dry desert of Chile have been explained with a "toxic bloom" theory. Does it explain all the findings? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Archaeologist Walks a Mile for Camel Smoke February 20, 2014 History should provide warnings to those who say the Bible is wrong. Did camels arrive in Israel too late for Abraham? CONTINUE READING
Solar System The Spin on Planets February 18, 2014 As the orbs whirl around Sol, human understanding of our space neighborhood rises and falls. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Ichthyosaur Fossilized Giving Birth February 14, 2014 Caught in the act: another fossil shows an extinct marine reptile giving birth to live young. CONTINUE READING
Solar System New Craters Found on Mars February 13, 2014 Orbiters can count new craters forming on Mars, refining cratering rates. One spectacular new crater has appeared since 2010 with vivid rays. CONTINUE READING
Fossils New Cambrian Fossil Quarry Beats Burgess Shale February 11, 2014 A new outcrop of the Burgess Shale formation in Canada appears to be richer and more diverse than the original. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Downfall of Homo antecessor, Ancestor in Name Only February 10, 2014 Details make the story of Homo antecessor an improbable tale of human evolution. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Chinese Dinosaurs May Have Been Buried in Volcanic Ash February 4, 2014 A new analysis of Chinese fossils claims a Pompeii-style eruption buried them suddenly. What does this imply about dating the fossils? CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Grand Canyon Age Changes Again January 27, 2014 Is the Grand Canyon old or young? Both, geologists are now saying. The latest theory, though, is unlikely to end the 140-year debate. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Another Geyser World Erupts: Asteroid Ceres January 23, 2014 The asteroid Ceres is popping off with water vapor on two sides. What's that world coming to? One thing is sure: DAWN is coming to it. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Tiktaalik Is Back, This Time With a Hip Twist January 14, 2014 Discoverer of a putative ancestor of tetrapods thinks it came with rear-wheel drive. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Hubble Finds Early Large Galaxies January 9, 2014 The latest deep space image by the Hubble Space Telescope shows many small galaxies near the beginning, but large ones, too. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Venus: 80% of Its History Is Missing January 2, 2014 In spite of being called Earth's twin, Venus is vastly different. Scientists are struggling to fit its young surface to 4.5 billion years. CONTINUE READING