Doubts About Dates and Climate

New findings cast doubt on scientists' ability to be certain about their consensus views.

Big Science Goes Total Left in Opposing Trump

Have they no shame? Science is not supposed to take political positions. What they're doing this week undermines their credibility as unbiased seekers of the truth.

Darwinism Still Corrupts Culture

The bad fruits of Social Darwinism are well known. Less well known are ongoing negative influences of modern Darwinian ideas on human behavior.

Cracks in the Climate Consensus?

It's still dangerous to challenge Big Science about climate change. In the new political climate, a growing number of voices are willing to take the risk.

Big Science Pops its Zits

If you think institutional science has a smooth complexion, look closer. From every angle, serious blemishes are coming to light.

Big Science Blind to Its Political Bias

More evidence that institutional scientists, journal editors and reporters live in an echo chamber that betrays their ideals of unbiased knowledge generation.

Cave Climate Conclusions Compromised

Widely used to infer past climates, isotope measurements from stalactites and stalagmites in caves can mislead researchers.

Rapid Earth Changes in Historic Times

What happened to the Sahara desert? What's going on in Java, man? Geologists are surprised sometimes by recent major changes.

Trusting Science Experts Can Be Disastrous

Nobody pushes the values of science more than scientists. But trusting them doesn't always work out right.

Big Science Has Corrupted Its Mission

If the leading journal Nature is any example, Big Science has unmasked itself as a left-leaning, political, ideological movement.

Trending: Transparency in Climate Models

It's a little late to begin a new climate of transparency among climatologists. What does that imply about the past?

When Data Doesn't Fit the Consensus

Like evolutionists, climate scientists have ways of oversimplifying or neglecting inputs that could challenge their paradigm.

The Climate Is Not Clear for Change

Whenever you hear "all scientists agree," watch out. Groupthink may be at work.

Can the Same Winds Blow for 42 Million Years?

Uncritical dependence on the Geologic Column forces secular scientists into contorted positions.

Spiders Play Silk Harps

Spider webs are so finely-tuned, they are like musical instruments that the creatures can strum or listen to.
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