The Problem With Climate Consensus

Question climate change? Be careful. You may lose your job!

More Blown Assumptions in Climate Theory

Climate change is a consensus of global experts, except when they stand on assumptions of quicksand.

Evolution in Action, or Evolutionist Inaction?

When critiques have been forbidden, lazy evolutionary biologists get away with incompetent scientific work and inept thinking.

Two More Climate Snafus Found

Is the science really settled on climate change? Here are two more oversights in the models.

More Unknowns Found in Climate Change Models

More examples of complexities that confound the ability of modelers to make reliable projections of what the climate will do a century from now.

Unknowns Found in Climate Change Models

"Follow the science!" the consensus demands, and many politicians fall in line to look good. These stories cast doubt on the science.

Big Errors Common in Big Science

It’s in the nature of theories to be overturned by new data. So how much trust should be put in current theories? Even the positivists like the reporters in New Scientist recognize that “There is no such thing as scientific truth, just a set of provisional truths that are subject to revision or rejection when […]

Is Climate Change An Existential Threat?

There's an uncanny parallel between climate change and evolution: which is, how skeptics of the consensus are treated.

Unaccountable Fear-mongering Must Stop

Some activist scientists make predictions they could never prove, scaring the public. They must be held accountable.

You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself)

Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply?

Leftists Use Science as Camouflage

Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda.

Evolving Everything Except Sense

When they have a magic wand, evolutionists see everything as a rabbit and every environment as a hat.

Leftism Manipulates Science Language

Leftist academia pretends to be pro-science, but the politics drives their positions.

Ignoring the Opposition: How Big Science Descends into Groupthink

Big Science assumes you will be assimilated. Don't even think about disagreeing with the elite. You don't exist.

Climate Hysteria Goes Far Beyond the Science

The behavior of scientists, the media, and individuals who follow them like groupies tells a lot about the nature of science.
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