Politics and Ethics Big Science Joins US Democrat Party Campaign August 7, 2016 Science journals and reporters—even those outside the US—position themselves to defeat Trump and elect Clinton to promote their leftist causes. CONTINUE READING
Geology Radar Reveals Former Warm Landscape Under Greenland July 18, 2016 Under the world's fastest moving glacier, radar has revealed a network of V-shaped canyons carved by temperate rivers. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics "Political" Science Threatens Historic American Values July 3, 2016 Take any issue on the political scene, and you will find the scientific elites cheering for the left side. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Secular Science's Meat Market: Abortion and Embryos March 13, 2016 When it comes to killing the unborn, science journals and secular reporters are all for it. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientific Ethics: A Reader Digest October 25, 2015 For your weekend reading, here's a summary of news articles on various topics related to scientific integrity and ethics. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Give Early Man More Credit August 21, 2015 From cave to Stone Age, ancient people deserve more respect for their intelligence and capabilities than evolutionary anthropologists give them. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Science Should Be Politically Neutral June 23, 2015 Why do all the mainstream science journals and reporters give a leftist slant? That's not very scientific. CONTINUE READING
Geology Coral Islands Rise With Sea Level May 25, 2015 Worries about sea-level rise inundating coral atolls and islands are unfounded, thanks to coral's rapid response to change. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Of Brontosaurus, Cartoons, and Revisionism April 7, 2015 With the resurrection of Brontosaurus as a valid dinosaur name after a century of repudiation, what's a kid to think? Thoughts on science's arbitrary and tentative nature. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Orbital Ice Age Theory Melts March 23, 2015 Orbital cycles do not cause ice ages, a new study suggests. Instead, the whole world experienced an ice age at the same time. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science How to Doubt a Consensus March 16, 2015 You don't need to be a "denialist." Just read the fine print in their own publications, and understand the limits of science. CONTINUE READING
Education Big Science Faces Credibility Gap February 2, 2015 Many people skeptical of scientific consensus are not uninformed or scientifically illiterate, study shows. CONTINUE READING
Education Bill Nye Admits to Propagating Evolution Via Emotional Stories January 27, 2015 National Geographic gives Bill Nye the Science Guy an open mike to make unchallenged generalities, with feeling. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science What Is the Temperature of the Earth? January 16, 2015 The news are all reporting 2014 as the hottest year on record, but no one is asking how such a measurement can be made without bias. CONTINUE READING
Geology Geology Sale November 19, 2014 We need to clear the deck of geology news. Here's a garage sale of interesting headlines, provided "as is" for researchers to pursue further. CONTINUE READING