A Change of Climate in Human Evolution Storytelling

New findings continue to complicate theories of human evolution. Maybe they can sound trendy by dragging climate change into it.

Big Science Spreading Climate Disinformation

Three kinds of deliberate misinformation (i.e., disinformation) are being spread by Big Science and Big Media.

Politicians Overplay Climate Science

With hype exploding around the internet, there has never been a bigger need to understand the limitations of science.

Birds Break Evolution Stories

Evolutionary theory is not just for the birds. The birds actively challenge Darwinism.

Weekend Climate Digest

Don't just listen to the hype and respond to scare tactics. Read the science.

Comfort for the Climate Panicked

Take heart; the world is not coming to an end. Who says so? Climate scientists.

More Reasons to Doubt a Climate Doomsday

We're just reporting what secular pro-warmist journals are saying.

Climate Science Is Imprecise, cont.

More papers that calling for a "rethink" about climate, ignored by the mainstream media.

Climate Science Is Imprecise

The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks.

Scientists Are Not Always Wise on Policy

A head buried in academia doing government-funded research may not be good in public policy.

Volcanoes Cause Global Warming

Volcanic eruptions can warm and cool the climate. Predicting which outcome will occur exceeds the uncertainties in geophysical knowledge.

Psychopolitics Is Back

Psychologists know how to achieve compliance. Big Tech is already using it. Is Big Government next?

Warming Caused Little Ice Age

Here are more indications that long-term climate forecasting is beyond human prognostication ability.

California Had Long Droughts Before Recent Climate Change

Those who attribute droughts to recent human-caused climate change should read this paper.

Evolutionists Add Another Magic Wand: Climate Change

When mutation, selection and deep time fail, evolutionists can now rely on climate to work mindless miracles.
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