Media Character Flaws Give Big Science Woes November 13, 2021 The days when science journals could be trusted have become clouded. Maybe the sun never shined anyway. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Climate Change Meets Evolution November 10, 2021 They seem like different subjects, but they have a lot in common. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics More Research Undermines Climate Consensus October 18, 2021 What's at stake is a threat of punishing all humans (except elitists) around the globe for what may be a natural phenomenon. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science The Climate of Science and v.v. September 10, 2021 The bluster of those speaking for science does not always match their objectivity. CONTINUE READING
Media Weekend Funnies and Surprises August 14, 2021 This is an assortment of news items that update previous posts, with some surprising discoveries tossed in. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science How to Avoid Climate Screams August 9, 2021 The epistemology of climate science reveals a wide gap between alarmism and empiricism. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Prestige Crumbles June 19, 2021 Public trust in science has taken drastic hits lately, and Big Science admits it. What will be required to get back its respect? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Capitulates to Leftism May 22, 2021 Finding any science journal or science reporter who takes a conservative position is hopeless now. CONTINUE READING
Botany Recent Plants Found Under Greenland Ice March 16, 2021 Plant materials in an ice core cannot be a million years old. They look like they were buried in the recent past. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Was Antarctica Once a Land of Forests? March 11, 2021 Perfectly preserved leaves under Antarctic ice tell a story. But what is the correct plot? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Smoke Gets in the Eyes of Climatologists March 7, 2021 Wildfire smoke and other factors have not been properly taken into account in climate models. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionary Timescales Require Ridiculous Migrations February 25, 2021 Which position has more problems in biogeography, creation or evolution? Look at these tales before deciding. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Climate Scientists Don’t Know What They Claim to Know February 5, 2021 The edifice of climate science making the world cower in fear of catastrophe is a house of cards. Listen to the scientists describe this and that joist in the edifice. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods 57,000 Years Is Too Old for a Young Puppy December 26, 2020 Inflated age is not the only questionable claim about a frozen wolf pup found buried in permafrost. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Rings Around Climate Theories December 2, 2020 Tree ring data should provide accurate checks on climate models, right? It's complicated. CONTINUE READING