Atheist Denies Atheism Is a Religion
April 23, 2017
Atheist asks, "Is atheism just another religion?" and waddles into a mess of definitions. There's a better question to ask.
What to Watch for in the March for Science
April 21, 2017
Big Science and Big Media will undoubtedly give positive coverage to the March for Science on Earth Day. But will they provide critical analysis?
Biological Designs Worth Imitating
April 20, 2017
If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?
Your Brain Comes Equipped with Techno-Apps
April 19, 2017
If you bought these capabilities in an app store, you would think they are way cool. Surprise: they're already bundled in your brain's operating system.
Pretending Intelligent Design Is Like Evolution
April 18, 2017
Imprecise language confuses the evolution issue, making it seem like goal-directed activity of intelligent minds mimics Darwinism.
Enceladus Pumps Imagination into the Vacuum
April 17, 2017
NASA astrobiologists abandon scientific restraint in a naked push to titillate taxpayers for another vain quest to find life beyond Earth.
Scientism on Plagues, or Vice Versa
April 15, 2017
Can the 10 plagues in Exodus be explained by science? Only through the plague of scientism, which is plagued itself by its own miracles.
Resurrection Debate Time
April 14, 2017
Easter is coming. It must be time for secularists to emerge like cicadas, chirping that the resurrection of Christ never happened. Sure enough.
Walk This Way: Body Designs Head to Toe
April 13, 2017
When you examine what makes us tick, you find intelligent design from the top down and from the bottom up.
OOL Foolishness Is Out of Control
April 12, 2017
Most scientists working on origin of life (OOL) have lost all semblance of respect for empiricism.
Miracle Tree Could Feed and Fuel Third World
April 11, 2017
The 'drumstick tree' grows right where it is needed for food, fuel, water safety, stock feed and many other uses, all for free.
Evolutionists Rattled Over Battle for Earliest Animal
April 10, 2017
If the latest salvo in a long-standing Darwin debate hits, then the idea of evolution growing more complex with time suffers a big blow.
Illogic Is Rife in Science Media
April 9, 2017
A simple exercise shows that what materialists are telling us cannot possibly be true. So why do reporters give them any mind?
Your Mind Can Space Out, But Your Body Belongs on Earth
April 8, 2017
Through the imagination, we can soar through distant galaxies. Sooner or later, physical reality hits home.
Plant Email System Described
April 7, 2017
What do you call a long-distance signaling system that involves coded information?
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