Design Media News
May 7, 2017
CEH recommends you check out these recent audio-visual materials: profitable, informative audio, video and books you will enjoy.
Weekend Digest, May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Here's a collection of quick takes on interesting developments in the science news, from Saturn to a possible cure for malaria; from your liver to Sunday funnies.
Archive Classic: The Mystery of the Ultra-Pure Sandstones
May 6, 2017
Reprinted from June 27, 2003, this mystery is worth considering still. What caused these global deposits that are not being formed today? R. H. Dott, Jr (Univ. of Wisconsin) has a problem. He’s been trying to explain a geological puzzle for 50 years, and it is still unresolved.
Small Wonders: Arthropods With Superpowers
May 4, 2017
Robot designers know that making things big is easy, but making them small is hard. How do you pack a multitude of capabilities in a tiny space? Consider these little guys.
Ancient DNA Recovered from Caves
May 3, 2017
New techniques are allowing scientists to extract ancient DNA from cave soil. But is it really as old as claimed?
Big Science Culture Condones Misconduct
May 2, 2017
Dishonest behavior by scientists is rampant, but nothing seems to change. Can evolutionary theory help?
Bubbles Scream Life
May 1, 2017
It might be a fungus. It might be half a billion years older than previously thought. It might rewrite the evolutionary history of complex life, including humans. What is it?
Atheist Writes Cosmological Bible
April 30, 2017
From Genesis to Revelation, Lawrence Krauss has reality all figured out. A book reviewer in Nature is not so sure.
SETI Belief Doesn’t Need Evidence
April 29, 2017
Now they're offering excuses for the silence, saying that it's exactly what they expect.
Galaxy Evolution Crisis: Start Over
April 27, 2017
When you see the words "challenging" and "requires substantial revision" in the abstract, you know trouble is coming.
Instinct: ‘Somehow’ Is Not an Evolutionary Explanation
April 27, 2017
Why does America's most prestigious scientific journal put up with a story like, 'somehow it evolved in an ancestor'?
CEH Launches Major Upgrade
April 26, 2017
Hello visitors! and welcome. We hope you enjoy our newly-upgraded Creation-Evolution Headlines — your lively and trusted site for breaking news on origins!
Saving Evolution with a New Narrative about Dinosaur Soft Tissue
April 26, 2017
The ability of evolutionary 'scientists' to distract attention from big questions and avoid the obvious has never been more evident.
Are Hobbits Human?
April 25, 2017
Are the little people of Indonesia and South Africa just small versions of us? Wherever they came from, and whatever they were doing in the caves in which they were found, they don't fit evolutionary expectations.
All Bears Are Brethren
April 24, 2017
The world-wide variations on bears could have come from one original type. It has been known that Alaskan brown bears can hybridize with polar bears. The resulting mixed breeds, sometimes called ‘pizzlies’ or ‘cappucino bears’, were thought to be rare. Now, in a surprising study from Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, scientists have […]
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