Classic Half-Truth: Humans Are Mere Animals

Sure, Homo sapiens are vertebrates, mammals and primates. A new book says that is all we are.

Brain Evolution Theories Earn Dunce Caps

Evolutionists become illogical when trying Darwin's method of explaining the exceptional human brain.

South Americans Genetically Linked to Australasians

Genetic evidence shows South Americans are genetically connected with Asians and Australians.

Mindless Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Understand What It Says

Artificial intelligence is getting so good, it can fool most people, but it lacks what humans need for trust: integrity.

“It Evolved” Is Not Science

Secular scientists have a bad habit of carelessly appealing to evolution as a default explanation for everything.

Darwin Worship Worse than Ever Imagined

A new book reveals the impact of Charles Darwin in unprecedented detail.

Darwin Imagineers Stuff Fantasy Narratives with Irrelevant Details

Brains are like trees, only ours are upside down because plant brains are in the roots. Both came from chemicals.

A Sound Mind Is Reborn

Is ultrasound a path into the minds of some "locked-in" patients?

Can Evolutionary Theory Improve Scientific Practice?

Need better science? Let the Darwin Party take over. They'll give the next reformers an even bigger mess to clean up.

Cave Art Dates Contradict Human Nature

After painting a pig on a cave wall, what did these artists do for five times all of recorded history?

Darwinists Still Attempting to Prove Criminality is Genetic

  The idea that criminality represents a throwback to our pre-modern stage of human evolution, (i.e., to the innate aggressiveness of our survival-of-the-fittest animal ancestry) was disproved over a century ago. Shamefully, it’s back. by Jerry Bergman, PhD. Introduction Phrenology, the art of divining personality by evaluating bumps on the human head, is one of […]

Creation: The Missing Ingredient in Religious Studies

When secular experts talk about the evolution of religion, they make gods of themselves.

Bronze Age Global Trade Identified in Teeth

Bronze Age people were smarter than scientists thought. They were eating Chinese food 3,700 years ago.

New Creation Theology Society Formed

PhDs in theology are joining with PhDs in science to collaborate on research regarding the Bible and science.

Hope Needs a Reason

Hope is good for you. But hope in what?
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