Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Justify Infanticide June 23, 2022 When your starting assumption is, "Whatever exists evolved," you can rationalize any atrocity as normal. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Darwinian Morality as an Oxymoron June 13, 2022 Naturalistic Darwinism does not possess the causative tools to account for observable moral judgments humans make. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Genetic Sex Runs Deep June 10, 2022 Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Can Science Analyze Wisdom? June 2, 2022 A sociologist finds that wise people age better. But first, she has to know what wisdom is. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain More Evidence Social Scientists Are Philosophical Dullards May 17, 2022 Is it any surprise that the evolutionary theory of humanity corrupts clear thinking? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Darwinism Undermines Freedom and Sense May 5, 2022 If all behavior is based on evolution, where is personal freedom? Evolutionists seem unaware they shoot themselves in the foot. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Pushes Abortion April 29, 2022 Someone please show us a scientific paper or press release that urges valuing the life of the unborn. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Brain Facts Challenge Materialism April 18, 2022 These would not happen if the brain were mere atoms in motion. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Did Humans Get Language by Mistake? April 15, 2022 The origin of language still baffles evolutionists. The newest theory: it was a really lucky accident! CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Social Sciences Flunk Science Test April 13, 2022 A historian of science confirms: the so-called "social sciences" deserve the criticism they've been getting for decades. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Begat Racism, Not Genesis April 9, 2022 Does acceptance of the Genesis teaching all humans descended from Adam cause racism? An ambitious attempt to defend evolution fails. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Sexual Selection Comes Under Fire April 4, 2022 From several fronts, new problems confront Darwin's other selection theory. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Follies Continue April 1, 2022 Evolutionists are not telling April Fool jokes; they really believe this stuff. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Embraces Trans Activism March 14, 2022 The flip side of endorsing a movement is fighting its critics. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain The Brain Files Information Logically March 11, 2022 The brain just became even more complicated. Another new structure in the brain has been discovered. CONTINUE READING