Politics and Ethics Moral Passion by Evolutionists Makes No Sense September 29, 2019 One needs a timeless, universal standard to declare what people should do. Evolution has no such thing. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Massive Study Finds No Evidence of a Gay Gene September 28, 2019 Homosexual behavior has always been a challenge to explain by evolution. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film September 26, 2019 Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics How Manipulators Subvert the Truth September 18, 2019 Do not use these tactics on others. Be aware of how others might be using them on you. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientific Data Does Not Interpret Itself September 14, 2019 Here's a funny story about why data must always be interpreted by humans, who are often fallible. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Are Scientific Models Reductionist? September 12, 2019 Scientific models can be useful in science, as long as one is aware of their limitations. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientist, Heal Thyself August 30, 2019 People who play "King's X" in the science lab had better be aware of their limitations and vulnerabilities. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Homosexuals Can’t Blame Their Genes August 29, 2019 Largest genetic study ever done on the subject shows no conclusive evidence genes influence homosexual behavior. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Still Hunting for Life in the Solar System After All of These Years August 26, 2019 The only place where life exists in our solar system is in the imagination of evolutionists. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Secular Materialism vs Morality August 25, 2019 The secular materialists, including evolutionary psychologists, encourage the abandonment of decency and morality. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science What Science Doesn’t Know August 23, 2019 For all the confident triumphalism scientists display, there are major things they do not grasp. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Ignoring Minds Leads to Bad Science August 21, 2019 People are not just particles in motion. Intelligent entities do not cooperate with evolutionary models. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Science Is a Bad Reason for Apostasy August 18, 2019 Certain high-profile Christians have been in the news for questioning or leaving their faith. Science is the worst excuse. CONTINUE READING
Education How to Accept Darwinism: Deny Reality August 14, 2019 Darwinism makes the world an illusion. No wonder its teachers use deception to indoctrinate students. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Blinders Cause Blunders August 13, 2019 Darwinism blinds the eyes of scientists, making them think contrary evidence supports evolution. CONTINUE READING