Natural Selection: Darwin’s All-Purpose Magic Wand

If it exists, it evolved. How? By natural selection. How does that work? It makes things evolve. That's all you need to know.

The “Population Bomb” Bombed

Paul Ehrlich's 1968 Malthusian prediction of mass starvation due to increasing population was not only wrong; it was dreadfully harmful.

Calling Something a Whale Doesn’t Make It a Whale

This absurdly hyped fossil is a WINO— Whale in Name Only. Dr Jerry Bergman gives it a reality check.

Free Creation Films Easily Shared

At the John 10:10 website, La Mirada offers s spectacular selection of great faith-building and apologetics films.

How Creation Can Uplift the Church

Here are three vivid examples of how the doctrine of creation can empower and uplift the church.

Creation Uplifts the Church

There are numerous ways that the Bible doctrine of creation provides benefits to the church. Part 1 of 2.

Mencken’s Law at Work in Science

The intuitive solution to a problem can be actually more harmful than the problem itself.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont.

Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism

Dr Jerry Bergman discusses the historical view of sexuality and gender with modern trends.

Science Media Tolerates Silliness

As long as you are a secular Darwinian, you can get away with anything.

Living Fossil Giant Bee Challenges Evolution

Describing insects fossilized in amber is a matter of observable fact. Describing how they "evolved" is storytelling.

Was the Apostle Paul a Book Burner?

Paul warned that Christ followers would be slandered. A book review in Nature shows it is still going on.

What Is Scientifically Significant?

A common measure in scientific papers is under fire, possibly invalidating thousands of research papers.

Darwinism Inspired China’s Communist Holocaust

Read and become one of the tiny elite who know something about Darwinism’s influence on the “greatest death camp in the history of the world."

Sunday Funnies

Who admits to going to the funny pages first in the big Sunday paper? Darwin always delivers a good laugh.
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