To Improve Credibility, Science Must Get Out of Politics
September 1, 2018
Big Science journals need to either balance their coverage of political issues or drop them altogether to avoid losing half their audience.
Science Fails Its Ideals
August 30, 2018
Fraud, lack of integrity and non-reproducible results continue to plague Big Science. Fair debate can help.
Political Correctness Blinds Science to Common Sense
August 27, 2018
There's been a rapid rise in transgender cases lately, and researchers at an ivy-league college can't figure out why.
Silly Evolution Speculations Would Cease If Media Allowed Fair Debate
August 25, 2018
Evolutionists get away with ridiculous stories because Big Science and Big Media are intolerant of opposing views. Healthy science requires open debate.
The Evolution of Darwinist Propaganda Tactic #8
August 22, 2018
The Association Fallacy tries to generate bad emotions against a target group by linking it to undesirable groups.
Creation Research Advances
August 16, 2018
Look at how much detailed scientific work was presented at the recent International Conference on Creationism.
Can Science Study Demonology?
August 12, 2018
One cannot make predictions about what a mind will do. Secular scientists mock belief in angels and demons, but they have their own occult beliefs.
Chicago Pastor Blames Crime on Evolution
August 9, 2018
Why is Chicago the murder capitol of America? Factors are complex, but one pastor fingers the devaluing of human life because of evolutionary ideology.
Richter Scaling: Is Funding for Astrobiology and SETI Justified?
August 7, 2018
Should the government fleece taxpayers again for a project with almost zero chance for success? Consider two "Richter scales" that should inform hopes.
The Evolution of Language and The Language of Evolution
August 4, 2018
Ask a Darwinian how humans evolved language, and you are likely to hear gibberish.
Scientific Papers Can No Longer Be Trusted
August 2, 2018
How do you know a paper is not a hoax? or fake science? It's getting increasingly difficult to tell, and Big Science is worried.
Scientific Discoveries Can Cast Doubt on Long-Held Beliefs
July 28, 2018
You have to look beneath the surface veneer of bluffing in science news to see how the sausage is made before it gets packaged to the press.
Child Prodigies Disprove Brain Size as Intelligence Driver
July 24, 2018
It's not the size; it's the wiring. Don't we know that for electronics? Why are evolutionists still obsessed with brain size?
Conservatives Feel More Purposeful Lives
July 22, 2018
Are liberals floundering in uncertainty over the meaning of life? A new study indicates that more conservatives have a sense of purpose than liberals.