Using the Bible in Science

It’s safe to use the Bible in secular science as long as you don’t read it and endorse it. The good book: Bible helps researchers perfect translation algorithms (Science Daily). Researchers in artificial intelligence at Dartmouth wanted to teach their algorithms about style in different languages. Aha, they thought: the Bible has lots of translations. […]

Health Advice Keeps Changing

Many things the experts told us were good for us or bad for us have "evolved" – sometimes into opposite counsel.

New Dino Soft Tissue Explanation Is Toast

Evolutionists cannot deny the presence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones, but their explanation burns up in the heat of critical analysis.

Oldest Animal Cave Painting Baffles Evolutionary Anthropologists

How did cave art of animals appear on opposite sides of the world at the same time? What’s being called the oldest cave painting of an animal has been dated by evolutionary anthropologists at a minimum of 40,000 years old. The baffling thing is that similar cave art in Europe dates to roughly the same […]

No Such Thing as Natural Election

On election day in America, both election and selection imply a chooser. Neither word applies in mindless nature.

Big Science Sells Its Soul to Political Correctness

Few things are more scientifically obvious than biological sex, but Nature would rather please the politically correct crowd.

SETI: A Fact-Free Occult Cult with Money

The science behind SETI is just window dressing. Believers obsess on space aliens with religious zeal, not evidence.

NASA-JPL Loves Halloween but Despises Christmas

NASA's premiere planetary lab goes nuts at Halloween, but fears the word Christmas. You can only have a Holiday Party in December.

Science’s Got Troubles, cont.

The "credibility crisis" in science is not solved. It may be getting worse.

Science’s Got Troubles

Numerous news articles point to moral shortcomings in Big Science that threaten public trust. The US Constitution was a great idea. But John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” (US Archives). Similarly, the “Scientific Method,” as it […]

Big Bang Cosmology Needs Miracles

A leading cosmologist's account of the current big bang theory makes no sense unless the hearer is already committed to believing it.

New Illustra DVD Released: “Call of the Cosmos”

Illustra's newest DVD showcases Psalm 19 in multiple ways.

Sanford to Speak at NIH

Creation geneticist PhD is speaking to the NIH, and already the Darwin attack dogs are up in arms.

Racism of Darwin and His Followers Exposed

A new documentary from the Discovery Institute exposes what evolutionists are trying to cover up: "scientific racism" by Darwinians.

How the Stuff Happens Law Can Be Scientific

The most vacuous scientific explanation of all meets the standard requirements of science.
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