Can Psychology Measure Awe?

Psychologists get their hands into everything, but the objectivity of their science is questionable.

How Darwin Storytelling Permeates Society

Everywhere you go, you get Darwin Just-So Stories. You can't travel or read the newspaper without them.

No, Darwin Did Not Win a Nobel Prize

Only by the most egregious twisting of terms could one call what these scientists did "evolution."

Who’s Got Logical Reasoning? Protestants, Not Atheists

Surprising news articles undercut atheists' claims to reason, and score points for Protestants.

Darwinists Unhappy About Trump Fetal-Tissue Ban

Darwinism cheapens human life. Here's a huge societal debate about the consequences.

Neanderthal Mocking Had No Basis

More evidence rises to indicate that Neanderthals—icons of brutishness—were every bit our equals, if not superior.

BBC Plays Misinformation Teacher about Darwinism

There is only one right answer to each question. If you don't agree with the Darwin teacher, you fail. Off to Reform School you go.

Using Non-Evolution to Preach Evolution

Darwinists are adept and commandeering evidence contrary to their theory to make it look like support for their theory.

Sense of Purpose Uplifts Society

Australia's young adults are setting themselves up for major depression and social upheaval. Here's why.

Fat Chance: Evolutionists Push Date of Soft Tissue Back 558 Million Years

The latest find of original molecules in a fossil should falsify long ages, but the discoverers use it to celebrate Darwinian evolution.

Darwinism Makes Human Ancestors Out to Be Morons

It's impossible to believe our ancestors were as dumb as evolutionists make them out to be. But Darwinians must believe it.

Buffon or Buffoon? Evaluating a Dead Expert

He was highly regarded in his day, but the beliefs of Comte de Buffon seem comical now.

Big Science Waffles on Gender Confusion

The mouthpieces for science don't seem to know whether to use common sense or go with the PC current.

Why Theistic Evolution Is Not a Good Option

A book review from Creation Ministries International explains why evangelicals should not needlessly cave on evolution.

Who Owns Science, Anyway?

Journal editors are freaking out over the rise of Open Science initiatives, worried their reign over the perception of science is doomed.
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