Lonely Billionaire Throws $100 Million at SETI

Yuri Milner gathered the SETI believers and gave them a pile of money to find aliens.

Creatures Worth Knowing and Imitating

Studies of animals and cells reveal designs in nature we can appreciate and imitate.

Tiny Organisms Control the World

An unexpected source that regulates global climate is found among the smallest of living things.

Where Are the Earth's Impact Craters?

The number of impact craters on Earth is almost negligible compared to Mars and the moon. Can erosion explain this?

No Scientific Method Can Generate Integrity

The frequency of articles about misconduct, fraud and reproducibility show that scientists' integrity cannot be assumed by a "scientific method."

Human Eye Has Nanoscale Resolution

No more complaining about bad design in the human eye. Optical experts prove it can distinguish differences at billionths of a meter.

Desperately Seeking Life Beyond Earth

Earth life cannot be unique. How about you, Mars? Europa, anything? Enceladus? Comet 67P? Please break the silence!

More to Thank God for in Your Brain

News about the most complex arrangement of matter in the known universe.

More to Thank God for in Your Body

Here's news about wonders in the human body you may not know about.

Natural Light Shows Dazzle Scientists

Here are some news stories from diverse fields of science, related only by the phenomenon of light.

SETI Believers Are Lost in Space

How long can you say "watch this space" till onlookers lose interest?

Two Mutations Caused Black Death

The Black Plague of the Middle Ages happened by accident. It was enabled by two mutations to a bacterium, scientists claim.

Where Do Marriage Rights Come From?

There is only one reliable source for a "right"—and that is a directive from the only possible giver of rights.

Brain Size Myth Won't Die

Evolutionists continue to push the idea that bigger brains offer better fitness, despite repeated empirical problems.

Science Should Be Politically Neutral

Why do all the mainstream science journals and reporters give a leftist slant? That's not very scientific.
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