Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection Is Darwin’s Genie August 29, 2023 To understand natural selection, one needs to watch how its believers use it: as a magic genie. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution A Punk Eek Theory for Climate? August 11, 2023 Something is rotten in the state of science. The ghost of Stephen Jay Gould is lurking in climatology. CONTINUE READING
Geology Volcanoes Have Greater Impact on Climate than Thought June 30, 2023 Scientists know less about geological influences on climate than the popular press claims CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology How Earth Cleans Itself April 21, 2023 Scientists are surprised at new findings showing automatic cleanup of air and water. CONTINUE READING
Fossils More Fossils Contradict Evolutionary Tales February 21, 2023 How many more anomalies will it take to overturn the Darwin empire with its assumption of gradual evolutionary progress? CONTINUE READING
Geology Life Regulates Earth’s Climate February 17, 2023 Climate modelers did not take into account biology. The earth has automatic mechanisms to regulate climate. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science On the Origin of Speciesism, Part 2 February 3, 2023 Policies against "speciesism" would effectively end civilization as we know it. Citizens must be informed about this new "ism" from secular science. CONTINUE READING
Geology Oceans Mitigate Global Warming January 7, 2023 New findings show that our ocean, and the unique molecule—water—are designed to ameliorate climate catastrophes. CONTINUE READING
Solar System The Last and Lasting Footprint on the Moon December 14, 2022 50 years ago, Harrison Schmitt left the last footprint on the moon, but he is leaving tracks of an independent thinker on Earth. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Older than Thought Again: Lizards December 7, 2022 Darwinism is a worldview that can't keep its story straight. It keeps shuffling around the pieces on its timeline. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Beavers Mitigate Global Warming November 11, 2022 Beavers provide a natural feedback that protects water quality downstream, scientists find. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Bee Surprised October 26, 2022 Insects influence the climate like thunderstorms? What else will scientists discover—or claim to discover? CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Weekend Climate Reader October 15, 2022 Research on climate does not always match political hype. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Philosopher Tries to Defend the Big Science Consensus September 25, 2022 A philosophy of science professor says we should believe what Big Science says. Are his reasons sound? CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Climate Lords: Millions Must Suffer for the Common Good September 12, 2022 We're seeing the return of a political view with long, dark roots: pragmatism requires populations to lose their rights. CONTINUE READING